I recently planned a short joyous journey. I visited my first-born in her first home with her husband, who she married just a few months ago. As I admired her decorating and her home-making skills, I nostalgically recalled when she was born just thirteen months into our marriage.
What a precious bundle! Her sweet kitten cries and her beautiful eyes that took in every single, thing! Gazing at this glorious gift from God, I recalled how I had desperately wanted to be a good mom.
I read a lot of books on parenting: psychology, child development, and how to train a child up to have a firm foundation of faith. I prayed, oh how I’d prayed for God to teach me how to be the parent she needed!
I identified my personal need to draw closer to God. I knew I needed to know both the Bible and Him more. I believed the promise in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you.” (NIV)
I took the first step: I asked. I asked God for help. I asked Him to show me how to parent. I asked Him to guide me to the right resources.
I began seeking help. I found lots of Bible-based books on parenting. I found a mom’s Bible-study where I forged friendships, where encouragement, creative ideas, and love flowed freely.
I knocked on His door and Jesus welcomed me into a world, not devoid of challenges or trouble or heartbreak, but a world where He promised to be with me every step of the way.
Maybe you’re struggling today. Maybe you have a parenting question or mentoring issue you just don’t know the answer for.
Maybe you, too, desperately need God’s guidance on how to do life yourself and then to encourage a young life.
Mathew 7:7 is for you too! Take the first step: ASK.
Ask God for guidance, He will give it.
Seek and He will show you.
Knock and He’ll open the door.
ASK Him for help. He’ll deliver.
I was never a perfect parent. No one except God ever is. But through His grace, I am a good mom. Practical. Purposeful. And just plain silly at times.
I am blessed to have two more daughters still living at home. Each brings me immense joy as I watch her grow in faith. Each possesses special gifts, aptitudes, and abilities. And altogether, we four ladies learn a lot, pray for one another and also giggle relentlessly when tired!
Holding my first-born in my early twenties, I breathed a serious prayer to God: I didn’t want to make serious mistakes that would affect her .
I learned to ASK Him. He provided. And His provision blessed us all.
Whatever you’re facing today, ASK Him, He will provide.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I humbly ASK for what I need today. I trust Your guidance to the right resources and Your teaching to me as I work to draw closer to You. Thank You, In Jesus’ name, Amen.