“Oh, no, there’s a deer!” I dropped my berries in the bucket, and looked down the path into the woods. Sure enough, there stood a gentle doe, her head lifted slightly from the grass she had been grazing, eyes staring intently upon me and my husband, John. Our 80 pound Rottweiler, Minna, had picked up…
Author: stefanielynn3@gmail.com
Heart Check
Scrolling through social media I often feel assaulted by angry, accusatory posts. We are living through a difficult time where our world feels turned upside down; everything we knew is now different. I get it. Our tolerance levels are at an all-time low while tension is at an all-time high. There was a time when…
To Walk with God
Wouldn’t you love to have known Noah personally? I would! What did he do? What did he NOT do? Imagine that scenario: “to be blameless and walk with God”. In Genesis 6:9 Noah is called ” righteous, blameless among the people of his time.” Noah didn’t live in utopia. He lived in an “earth that…
Reward of Positivity
Sitting around the dinner table, one of my daughters dumped a cascade of emotions she’d bottled up far too long. Frustration, bewilderment and anger all poured forth. She ended with, “It will never get any better!” I swallowed hard, fighting tears of empathy and quieted my mama’s correction voice. “TORPAL,” her sisters chorused. Looking around…
His Love Intercedes
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” Romans 8:26 Do you always know what to pray- always finding the right words to convey your heart’s cry? Some days,…
Pursuing Positivity in the Pandemic
Over the past months it’s easy to recall the fear, not only from an unseen viral enemy, but from the hatred and havoc some humans have wrecked. Yet, when I recall Philippians 4:8, those thoughts aren’t what God wants me focusing upon. So why do I allow them first and foremost in my head? In…
Remembered for Righteousness
Looking around, He saw the world was wicked. People did things that decidedly did not glorify God. But then His gaze fell on one man, and He must have smiled. There was one man who did obey God: Noah. Noah walked with God. (Genesis 6:9b HCSB) He was known as righteous, blameless among his contemporaries….
Jesus Has a Job for Us
Peter was passionate; he believed in Jesus. He would always follow Him. But Jesus knew, knew what was coming. In Luke 22:31 Jesus told him that a trial was coming. Jesus also assured him that he had prayed for him, that “his faith would not fail.” (verse 32, HCSB). Jesus also knew Peter would survive…
The Three R’s: Rest, Refresh, Recharge
“Do you have skittles?” I asked my twelve-year-old daughter, Evita, as she fastened her helmet. Smiling, she patted her jacket pocket before clomping toward the door in her roller blades, leaving before mom could question anything else! Pulling out my phone, I clicked on the app to check her blood sugar. Yep, about 200, a…
Clay in His Hands
I sat at the wheel, “throwing clay,” dreaming of the vase I would create. My mind’s eye knew how it would look: the height to accommodate roses, the diameter to allow air exchange, and the gentle curve of the lip, just thick enough to withstand an accidental bump. Round and round that wheel whirled, spinning…