I gazed out the window: mountains of snow, icicles weighting trees, and whirling snowflakes created an icy tundra. No one wanted to go out in it. No one except our Rottie, Minna. At three, Minna needs lots of daily exercise to keep her from going stir-crazy in the house. Minna sat by the door, begging…
Author: stefanielynn3@gmail.com
As you evaluate your circumstances, your station, and your place in this world, do you ever become sad? Maybe you really know sadness first-hand, perhaps sharing the diagnosis of S.A.D. with the estimated 10 million Americans nationwide. S.A.D., or Seasonal Affect Disorder is often diagnosed as feelings of sadness or depression during cooler winter months…
Keep Going
Ever been in a funk? Maybe you’ve suffered a series of challenging events. Maybe you’ve earned a Masters Degree from the school of hard-knocks. Maybe you’ve got every right to feel down, be negative and refuse to smile. No one blames you. You can’t always help you circumstances. In fact, the world might tell you…
“Nevertheless, she persisted” is printed on the planner I purchased last August. I had no idea what the autumn held when I bought it… but God did. In that short season, my faith would be tested as each of all three of our daughters was thrown into her own crisis. My plans for those months…
Rest, Restore, and Renew
The week between Christmas and New Year’s is a quiet one this year. While we usually continue at a break-neck pace, this year we decided to slow down. We decided not to travel, not to overbook, and not to give into the temptation to cram as much as possible into that one week. It has…
Welcoming Interruptions, Welcoming Jesus
Mary was a young lady with a special light in her eye. She would soon be the wife of an honorable man. As a young woman with God’s will on her heart and His laws on her mind, she knew she desired only to live for God. Her reactions to an angel’s pronouncement would indeed…
Just Give Me Jesus
“What do you want for Christmas?” my husband asked in preparation for his quick Christmas shopping trip. “Nothing you can buy,” I answered. He stopped at the door, his hand resting on the knob. He watched me as I tried to explain. It has been a long, hard year. Besides the emotional expenditure of situations…
Treasures Unseen
“For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” Luke 12:34 How do you respond to surprises? Words gushing like a waterfall? Stunned silence? Emotions erupting like a volcano? Mary’s response in both Luke 2:19 and 2:51b was silence. And her silence spoke volumes. In Luke 2:19, Mary had just received shepherds who…
Christmas Peace
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 One Cyber Monday, years ago, I awoke, happy to be home. Traveling most of the week before, I…
Too Busy for a Holiday
The sweet sounds of Christmas carols filled the air. The grocery store’s music reminded me of the upcoming season. In year’s past, the reminder overwhelmed me. For the woman of the house, the to-do list is endless: Menu planning. Grocery shopping. Cooking. Cleaning. Baking. Pinning ideas. Crafting. Decorating. Floral arranging. Preparing the guest room. Buying…