Sandra sank to the floor near her bed in exhausted desperation. The irony of the spot hit her full on. Years ago, as a child, she would kneel here before bed, conversing with God, just as Mama taught her. But Mama died. Sandra hadn’t spoken to God since. After years of silence, she cried out…
Coming Clean
“Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7 NIV “What does it mean to repent?” I asked the sweet ten-year-old girl before me. She glanced thoughtfully toward the ceiling, and after a moment’s consideration answered both thoroughly and succinctly, “Coming clean.” Wow. How…
Lost Love
Do you get nervous meeting new people? What will he think? What if I inadvertently offend her? First impressions matter, we’re told. Some claim employers have a good idea just 7 seconds into an interview if a candidate is a good fit. In our feeble attempt to get the job, keep the job, give a…
He’s Leading in the Wilderness
When was the last time you did everything right, but ended up lost? I recently traveled into a city I don’t know well. Major road construction detoured me from the prescribed route and my GPS couldn’t find me. I ended up in a residential neighborhood pulling up my maps app. I was more than a…
A Time For Rest
Living in the Midwest, we experience all four seasons. Spring is my favorite season, with everything “greening up”, and buds bursting forth into bloom with a wide array of color following the stark black and white of winter. Each season has its own work, and own perks. In spring, many people, including myself, plant gardens…
Fix Your Eyes
Our adorable puppy has perfectly illustrated another truth: once you’ve fixed your eyes on something, it is possible to not be distracted from it. As Minna proceeds throughout her day, many mesmerizing motions captivate her: the flash of a shiny pan drawn from the cupboard, the swish of the curtain drawn across the sliding door,…
He’s Got This!
Does the thought of 2018 fill you with excitement? Dread? Fear? Staring at a blank calendar for next year, I began to fill in important dates. Birthdays, doctor appointments, end of school (!) I wonder what the next year holds. Our family has experienced some challenging years recently and I sincerely pray for a year…
Christmas Presence
Are you ready for Christmas? The golden question I have been asked so frequently the past week. As of today, not all the presents are home, the live tree is still standing in a random field, no wrapping has occurred, and baking, well about tomorrow I will begin a Betty Crocker day! But I have…
He Hears The Counting
Twelve years. Have you ever prayed for God to intervene for twelve years? Or, like me, are you tempted to stop praying after only a few years, or even just a few months? In Mark 5:25 we meet a woman who had suffered with a bleeding condition for twelve years. Not only did she suffer…
Missing the Mark
Instant replay caused him to instantly recoil. Ah, the director’s right! In that scene, he’d missed his mark. The taped “X” seemed to suddenly glow as he felt his face flush. How could this have happened? He knew. Although he’d rehearsed it a dozen times, he’d taken his eyes off the mark. He’d assumed his…