It was a simple question, or so she thought. He simply misunderstood. I can correct that, she patiently smiled, her heart warming to the idea of setting him straight. “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’” Oh, no, she began to clarify. Suddenly he was correcting her. And,…
Which Wins: Fear or Faith?
“The Lord said to Joshua, ‘Do not be afraid of them, because by this time tomorrow I will hand all of them slain over to Israel.’” Joshua 11:6a (NIV) What he saw should have stopped his heart. His enemies united and charging toward him, with massive armies too numerous to count. Surrounded as he glanced every…
Lessons From David, Part II
Does your mind ever play tricks on you? When I’m concerned, or tired, or overwhelmed, especially when I’m lying in bed, my mind often begins to play tricks on me. It starts to play the “what if” game. What if the treatments don’t work? What if the economy goes south? What if I can’t overcome…
Lessons From David, Part I
Have you ever called out to God because you’re quite at the end of yourself? Desperate for intervention, instruction, and altruistic intention, I too call out to our Heavenly Father. I shared in last week’s post that 2016 was a very difficult year for me personally. I love Psalm 51 verses 10-12. “Create a pure heart…
Your Love Never Fails
“What would I say to Jesus on Christmas Day” was a prompt for a writing contest I recently entered and won one of two grand prizes. I want to share this entry with you. I don’t know where you are today as you contemplate the New Year. I do know God will be with you….
A Heart Hearing
Waking the next morning before dawn, Marcy silently slid out from the covers. Christmas day! The house was quiet and a cup of tea sounded inviting. Moving slowly and quietly through the kitchen, she prepared her cup and her heart a she reached for her Bible. Sitting down in the old rocking chair at the big…
A Heart Longing
Marcy finally pulled her car into her parents’ country driveway. She heard the soft crunch of the gravel under the tires as she slowed further. The huge white snowflakes floated lazily onto the mountainous drifts, bestowing a perfect peace upon her. Her childhood home was an illuminated beacon in the darkened fields. Her heart stirred…
A Heart Searching
Slamming the trunk closed, Marcy sighed as she walked over to the driver’s door. She was ready to go home for the holidays. Home. More than a structure from her childhood. A place filled with people who loved her. Shaking her head to clear the threatening tears, she slid behind the wheel and buckled up….
Life of Giving
This Tuesday past is a new holiday of sorts. “‘ Giving Tuesday’, a global day dedicated to giving back.” The common purpose? “To celebrate generosity and to give.” (The With the past weekend of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals compelling us to consumerism, Giving Tuesday is a welcome, heart-warming holiday. While it’s great…
Confident in Him
It was over. A major choice had been needed. The decision had been made for me. It was not what I would have authored. But, I had prayed fervently. I promised God I would walk through any door He would open. The door I was certain would be bolted shut swung wide open. I walked through, thoroughly confused….