“In your anger do not sin, when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.” Psalm 4:4
Tossing and turning in bed next to my husband, both my mind and my body refused to be still. As I again mulled over the words spoken in my presence, my feet fidgeted once more.
“If you can’t sleep, can you go elsewhere?” the barely audible voice beside me asked in frustration.
So I carried my cantankerous thoughts and restless limbs downstairs. A glass of milk and the Psalms ought to relax me, I thought.
As I began reading through various Psalms I realized just how much wisdom I had overlooked when it came to releasing my anxiety so I could sleep.
1) Be Still. Psalm 46:10 reads “Be still and known I am God.” Not only do I need to still my body, but I must quiet my mind as well. I must stop those racing thoughts, those distractions which prevent me from experiencing God’s presence and His peace. But how?
2) Be Abandoning. Psalm 62:8 reads “Trust in Him at all times, O people, pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.” I had been replaying those events through my mind, but had I laid them at the feet of Jesus? Had I really internalized that I must lay them and leave them there, assured He would care for all the details? I needed to surrender my cares to Him and then trust in His word that He is all-powerful and will take care of them. And Psalm 68:19 assured me it was so.
3) Be Praiseful. Psalm 68:19 “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior who daily bears our burdens.” Even before I see results, I can and should praise God for who He is, and that He will somehow work out my burden for my benefit. (Romans 8:28)
4) Be Faithful. I needed to choose godliness. I should not ‘vent’ to a good friend in anger. (Psalm 17:3b “I have resolved that my mouth will not sin.”) I should not replay the wounding words or negative scenes. (Philippians 4:8 “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”) I should focus on truth, God’s truth. I needed to remember there was so much more transpiring than what I could see. I needed to rely on our Heavenly Father, that He had it. When the fear pushed to the forefront of my mind and gripped my heart, I needed to remind myself of God’s promises. I needed to focus on all the positives I knew of the situation, and how my prayers for it could be very impactful; that I was surrendering it to someone who wielded much greater influence than I!
When we practice the above steps we find fulfillment of the promise in Proverbs 3:24, “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down your sleep will be sweet.”
Monday: How do I generally handle anxiety or stress?
Tuesday: Read Psalm 62:8. How have I poured out my heart to God? How can I readily do that in the future? How can I abandon my burden, truly leaving it with Him?
Wednesday: Read Psalm 68:19 Do I even think about praising God when facing a burden? How can I personally build my trust in Him? How can I throw off doubt?
Thursday: How can I be faithful to God’s word? Instead of venting, how else might I deal with my emotions without slandering others or disgracing myself or God? (Writing it out and burning the page or running three miles?) Please share your answers with us in the comment section!
Friday: Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, how easily I become consumed in my own circumstances. How easily my heart is wounded and my spirit drained. Please help me focus on You and Your great love. Please help me remember to carry all burdens, great and small, to You, for You love me and care for me more than I will ever comprehend. Amen.
Thanks for reading! Please return by Monday, May 19 for the next post!
Sometimes, I think you have a camera in my home!! I haven’t slept much at all in the last 3 days because of something on my mind. Tonight, I will focus on the verses you referenced:)
Sonya, I hope your sleep has been sweet- I’m praying that you experience that peace which passes understanding. Thank you for encouraging me!