Marcy finally pulled her car into her parents’ country driveway. She heard the soft crunch of the gravel under the tires as she slowed further. The huge white snowflakes floated lazily onto the mountainous drifts, bestowing a perfect peace upon her. Her childhood home was an illuminated beacon in the darkened fields. Her heart stirred…
Category: Challenges
A Heart Searching
Slamming the trunk closed, Marcy sighed as she walked over to the driver’s door. She was ready to go home for the holidays. Home. More than a structure from her childhood. A place filled with people who loved her. Shaking her head to clear the threatening tears, she slid behind the wheel and buckled up….
Too Busy To Be Blessed
“Blessed is the one who delights in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night.” Psalm 1:2 (NIV, emphasis mine) The word burned in my mind: blessed. I knew I was blessed. I could force myself to see outside my little whirlwind world and count my many blessings. I just wasn’t…
God Knows Best
“I heard he was in prison the last years,” he grunted, adjusting his tunic. “I understand he was inappropriate towards his boss’ wife,” shared another high-ranking official. “So how did he manage to garner Pharaoh’s favor?” queried another. They all looked around questioningly. This foreigner, this man no one knew, had somehow secured the second…
Faithfulness Under Construction
“Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see.” That refrain repeatedly played in my head. Faithfulness. God is always faithful. Even when circumstances might suggest otherwise. God gave Joseph a big dream. A God-sized dream. A dream even Joseph himself could not fully comprehend. Yet, that dream didn’t…
He Will Be Praised
Frustration coursed through him as he sped away from the one person who so easily broke his heart. It only took three words: I can’t believe. He dearly loved his heavenly Father. He knew his life was a testimony to God’s goodness; without God he would never have become a decent person. Watching his sister…
Ever been in a place where, you’re trying to do the right thing, trying to desperately do what’s right, and those hardships, those trials just keep on a’ coming? When there, we may question – does God see me? Does He know? Does He care? We have someone’s story recorded for us who experience just…
Tired, I flipped off the news, shaking my head to clear the horrid war images from my mind. My thoughts echoes a voiced question posed to me earlier that day, “Why is this world so hard?” I wish there were a simple explanation and an even easier fix. I partly knew why this world was so…
Surprised But Blessed
I never would have dreamt this, I reflected. I found myself in a completely unexpected position. Yet God’s fingerprints were clearly evident all over it. As that situation unfolded, I had continuously prayed, asking God to close that door if I should not walk through it. Yet, the door swung wide open. God, close the…
Never Alone
It’s been a hard day, again,” she thought as she slowed her pace, sweeping her bronze hair into a ponytail as she glanced around. The floor littered with little toys met her weary gaze. It wasn’t the mess which caused her anguish, it was who was missing. Who would never again waltz through that door….