We get to choose our words, our actions, our lives. How can we choose what is beneficial?
Category: Challenges
No Judgement Zone
I never really considered judging myself to be insulting to God. But when it hurts me and my relationship with the Lord, I need to change from criticizing myself to celebrating the gifts He has given me.
Joy in Working for Him
Do you have tasks you dread? We can serve God by doing our very best, even when working on chores we don’t love.
Joyful in the Learning
When something is new, we are excited. We can build on that knowledge and continue to grow. This aptly applies to faith as well. Let’s make it a practice to daily grow in faith and learn we don’t have to become immediate experts.
Promoting Peace
We are to be the peacemakers- but it takes courage. Christ will supply that strength if we ask.
The Joy of Surrendering Control
When caught in the intersection of an immediate deadline and life-changing decisions, I have learned to be still. Surrender control, and let God lead.
Discovering the Joy of Jesus
In our quest for a life filled with joy, we don’t need to be anything, do anything, or achieve anything. We only need to become better acquainted with Jesus.
Joy in Truth
Once upon a time, my eight-year-old daughter made a choice. Her friends had invited her to help construct a cart. The intention was to build something large enough to carry a person. Utilizing her gift of creativity and relishing in the friendships, she labored hours on this project until the day it was completed. It…
Joy in Jesus
When I think I know what will make me happy, God stands aside, watching me, until I invite Him in.
The Joy in Knowing God
What brings a tug to your heart? What uncertainty plagues your mind? What lump of stone pokes into your soul threatening to clutch pain as a constant companion? There are things that raise an unsuspecting blood pressure and lengthen sleepless nights. In the morning, I am weary and drained and despairing. But as I reach…