One day I opened my eyes and had a stunning realization: I was terribly wrong in how I had handled a hurt. I had been terribly wounded, but then I had in turn wounded another. Unfortunately, it was not a once and done thing, but something that had endured for years. Oh, how my heart…
Category: Challenges
Choosing Love Over Bitterness
When faced with a bitter soul, I realize I need to choose between hanging on to hurt and letting God mold my heart toward love.
When Roots Run Deep
When faced with a season of scorching challenges, we can still flourish instead of just survive when our faith roots run deep.
Fighting For Faith
When reconstructing our faith-walk, Nehemiah offers practical advice on how to avoid the traps of the enemy while we keep progressing toward pillar-like faith.
When ‘It’s Not Fair’
When God doesn’t respond or intervene as I imagine He should, it’s time to take stock of His promises and His character.
The Lord is Good to Those Who Trust Him
When each day brings another crisis, where do I find hope? Lamentations chapter 3 offers encouragement and a promise to cling to.
A Welcome Return
Have you ever strayed from God? Maybe you feel the tug on your heart to return. The whispers of love are tempting, but, there’s screams of shame and then there’s this nagging thing called pride. Yet, your heavenly Father is there, repeatedly sending hand-written invitations, wanting nothing more than for you to sink back into…
Humbled into Obedience
Have you ever wanted to do something so badly, you ran ahead of God? Maybe you felt it in your bones that it was the right thing, that you didn’t even need to ask God because you just knew. David knew the feeling. In 1 Chronicles 13, David wanted so desperately to return the ark…
When the Answer is Service
“God, what should I do?” Leaning against the door of the ICU, I had tears streaming down my face as I asked God what was next. This disease of a loved one had completely caught me by surprise. And it was lifelong, not a once and done diagnosis. After days of worry and shock, I…
Building My Fortress
When the day unfolds unexpectedly and I am facing many unknowns, God is still in control. He will provide.