When faced with fear, adrenaline pumping and the need to do something NOW, Moses’ instructions give wisdom for us today.
Category: Christian Life
God Gifts Us Peace
Finding peace isn’t about the accolades, accomplishments or the busyness. It’s about drawing nearer to God through Jesus.
Pursuing Peace
Although justifiably hurt, I learned peace was within my grasp, regardless of what the other party did.
The Promise of Peace
When both physical and spiritual peace eluded me, I found answers in His promises.
God is Peace
When I struggle with warring inside myself, 2 Corinthians 13:11 instructs how to find peace.
When Joy is Just a Memory
When the feelings of joy disappeared, I learned how to choose a joyful heart.
Believing Hearts Rejoice
When I couldn’t understand why God allowed what He had, I only needed to learn from the sweet psalmist- God can be trusted- even when, especially when, I can’t understand. And when I learned to truly surrender to Him, my broken heart could truly rejoice.
Joy in the Wait
When faced with the anguish of a life-threatening and life-altering medical crisis for my child, I found hope through Christ in a Children’s ICU.
Love: The Greatest Gift
Falling in love doesn’t care with our true forever love. No one will ever love us like God will.
Looking Like Love
“What should love look like?” Jesus showed us the very definition of love. Here’s how we too, can learn to love like Jesus.