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Category: Christian Life
God is Always Working
“She’s the whole enchilada.” Really? I sat in shocked silence. I couldn’t believe I was in an interview for a position I’d never dreamed of, didn’t even know existed, and somehow I was hearing just how my resume perfectly fit their needs. A resume I hadn’t built intentionally. Early in our marriage, I’d crossed state…
Daddy Can Fix It
Large crocodile tears tumbled down her two-year-old cheeks. Her wailing might have broken a noise ordinance. “Daddy! Only Daddy fix it!” I consoled our daughter for several minutes before she sufficiently calmed enough to listen. “Honey, I can fix it.” I rubbed her back in assurance. “No, Daddy fix it!” Well, she knew Daddy would…
Attitude is Everything
“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”Romans 8:6 Did you know that cancer patients who claim a belief in God have higher survival statistics? There is a documented positive correlation between a positive attitude and longevity and also the ability to offer forgiveness with living longer. When that…
Tearing from Temptation
A usually obedient dog cannot ignore the temptation of tracking a deer.
Most of us have “deer” that distract us from fixing our eyes on God, testing our faith. Thankfully He doesn’t leave us on our own to battle temptation.
God as My Refuge
Even as adults, we are still God’s children. It’s okay to still want to crawl up in His lap and take refuge in Him.
“Small Success” = Joy!
Sometimes the goal of becoming “Christ-like” is overwhelming. Where do I start? How could I possibly learn all the nuances of faith?
Just like learning a foreign language, we need to take one some step at a time, and we need to remember to celebrate each and every success, because our Heavenly Father does!
His Promises To Parents
It’s natural for parents to worry about their kids. I learned that God promises to provide everything our child needs by giving their parents everything they need to raise the child.
Resting in His Shadow
We are called both to work and to rest with Him. He promises we can find rest. Learn how to experience that peaceful respite in Him.
Never Alone
It look crossing an ocean as a teenager to realize wherever I go, God goes with me!