When faced with a new task what is your general approach? Do you take anything and everything offered, or do you rely on what you already know? David’s answer to that question might surprise you. While a young man, David, as instructed by his father, left his sheep and went to visit Saul’s army, checking…
Category: Faith
With an agonizing cry, he stumbled into the room, sinking to the bed. No Lord, this can’t be. But after hours of tears streaming frustration and pain from deep inside him, he knew somehow, yes, yes it was. Sitting up in the now-darkened room, he resisted turning the dial of the nightstand lamp. The sun…
Beauty Begins in Winter
Here in the Midwest, winter seems to have lingered much longer than usual. In late April we still had a few snow days! As the days began to lengthen, our temperatures did not rise. Working in a public school, the students’ depression was palpable. Everyone needed to see spring. But now, after waiting months and…
A Reason for Hope
Life doesn’t always make sense. We don’t always realize how everything works. We don’t always understand why people act and react as they do. We can’t always even comprehend ourselves. Our emotions often change like the wind. But there is one sure thing in this uncertain world: God’s great love for us. No matter what,…
Nonsensical Love
A few years ago, I feel in love. Tragically, that love was not returned. Our puppy Tipper, might protect me, but she certainly did not obey me. She might stand between me and the lumbering trash truck in the street. She might plant herself between me and the large city worker in our yard. She…
In Need of a Silent Night
Final exams. Dinner to make. Children to bathe. Dog chewed the steak. Laundry to fold. Papers to grade. Lord why did I think I could do all this today? Floor is filthy. Classroom’s a mess. Lab exploded. Broken glass creates a mess. Christmas décor blew away. My Olaf popped on a thorn in the fray….
No worries?
“Daddy, do we have enough money?” asked the sweet seven-year-old when she heard of her father’s job loss. “You don’t need to worry about that; Daddy will take care of everything,” he replied, rubbing her shoulder. Giving him a quick hug, she bounded off to play with her dolls. When was the last time your…
Committed To Christ
“I truly believe in Jesus, I just want to wait to be baptized,” she quietly confided, “I want to make sure I understand what I’m promising.” I stared in amazement at this twelve-year-old girl. I knew she believed. She truly studied her own Bible and her life mirrored a heart on fire for Christ. At…
You Are His Masterpiece, Part I
The above picture was painted by one of my daughters. I am the delighted and proud mother of several talented artists. One daughter in particular must paint to relieve stress and quiet her soul after a season of busyness. Watching her take a blank canvas and deftly apply color to create a picture depicting beauty,…
Finding Faith to Ask
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Mathew 21:22 NIV I read the above verse, wishing it applied to me. Closing my eyes, I willed to experience first-hand the promise it contained. But I had already resigned myself to lesser things. Life in this world can be tough. I…