“I signed up for a marathon in six months, I’ve got to get training,” Sami said as she pulled her hair from her face, “but it’s been a long day and I feel so tired.” She glanced around at the mess in her room. “I’ll start tomorrow.” Tomorrow was born a crazy day. The alarm…
Category: Faith
Pause, Pray
End of the day, but not the list, Burnt meal narrowly missed, Pause to pray Piles of laundry, dishes to do, A dear little girl sporting a boo-boo, Pause to pray. Thunderstorms, Electricity out, Repair truck on the long route, Pause to pray. Drop dead tired, the house to clean, Confronted by…
Navigation Desperation
Panic seized me as I desperately glanced from the GPS to scan the street signs. The GPS did not know where I was! The connection icon swirled endlessly, indicating not only was I lost, but there was little hope of pinpointing my location anytime soon. That thought terrified me as I followed traffic, frantically searching…
Samantha gazed adoring into her darling daughter’s face. This perfectly beautiful baby slept so peacefully, not a care in the word. Samantha began a prayer she would pray over all her children the rest of her life, “Lord, may this beautiful child love You and serve You all the days of her life. In Jesus’ name,…
Waiting for Grace
Waiting. Forever. Or so it seemed. “God, it’s difficult to do the “right” thing, especially when I don’t see Your mighty hand sweeping away the sadness, the agony, sometimes found in this life.” Silence. Sheila huffed and reached for her beloved Bible. She picked it up tenderly, as the binding sometimes lost pages and the…
“The Lord is my strength,” Stacy repeatedly murmured to herself as tears slid down her cheeks. Quickly brushing them away, she tried to focus on the task at hand, if nothing else, than to ensure the safety of her sweet daughter in the backseat. Crisis had hit her like a brick wall. But unlike other…
Always There
Pouncing, playing and protecting. That’s a very accurate description of our favorite furry family member. Minna, a one-year-old Rottweiler puppy, loves each member of our family with her whole heart. It’s evident in the way she lives: she sleeps lightly, springing to her feet at the slightest sound. She often detects things we never would…
Perfection Not Needed
Tears filled my eyes as I read my eight-year-old’s handmade card. ALL ABOUT MY MOM My Mom’s Name: Stefany (She tried to sound it out!) My Mom is happiest when I: spend time with her. My Mom looks prettiest when she: dies her hair. (Yes, she spelled it that way!) The best way to describe…
His Creation Calls
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. The pebbles crunched under the weight of my hiking boots on the trail. The sky was beautifully blue. The leaves were gloriously green. The vivid colors captured my attention away from inside my head. The birds called to one another; a woodpecker fed nearby. Even a bunny hopped into the lavender flowers as…
In Need of Sonshine?
A quick trip outside in the afternoon sunshine is all I need to lift my spirits. I work all day in a wonderful classroom. It has plenty of cabinets, four sinks, smartboard and two TV’s! What more could I want? A window to the outside. In the cinderblock rectangle of technology, I miss the simple…