This Tuesday past is a new holiday of sorts. “‘ Giving Tuesday’, a global day dedicated to giving back.” The common purpose? “To celebrate generosity and to give.” (The With the past weekend of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals compelling us to consumerism, Giving Tuesday is a welcome, heart-warming holiday. While it’s great…
Category: Faith
Confident in Him
It was over. A major choice had been needed. The decision had been made for me. It was not what I would have authored. But, I had prayed fervently. I promised God I would walk through any door He would open. The door I was certain would be bolted shut swung wide open. I walked through, thoroughly confused….
God Knows Best
“I heard he was in prison the last years,” he grunted, adjusting his tunic. “I understand he was inappropriate towards his boss’ wife,” shared another high-ranking official. “So how did he manage to garner Pharaoh’s favor?” queried another. They all looked around questioningly. This foreigner, this man no one knew, had somehow secured the second…
Little Lies?
Cringing, she settled back into her chair. Replacing the receiver, she knew she had to take a break. Now. Walking out of the office down the corridor, she locked herself in the ladies’ room. How had this happened? Lord, forgive me. I just lied. The fact that many would consider it a white lie didn’t…
Ever been in a place where, you’re trying to do the right thing, trying to desperately do what’s right, and those hardships, those trials just keep on a’ coming? When there, we may question – does God see me? Does He know? Does He care? We have someone’s story recorded for us who experience just…
The Choice
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 (NIV) It was not a good situation. I bet you’ve been there. You had a plan. You had a vision…
Surprised But Blessed
I never would have dreamt this, I reflected. I found myself in a completely unexpected position. Yet God’s fingerprints were clearly evident all over it. As that situation unfolded, I had continuously prayed, asking God to close that door if I should not walk through it. Yet, the door swung wide open. God, close the…
Never Alone
It’s been a hard day, again,” she thought as she slowed her pace, sweeping her bronze hair into a ponytail as she glanced around. The floor littered with little toys met her weary gaze. It wasn’t the mess which caused her anguish, it was who was missing. Who would never again waltz through that door….
You Are Not Alone
“The Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6b (NIV) Squawking, the two parakeets flitted around the cage. When the yellow male, Star was introduced to the green female, Clover, we jokingly called them “love birds.” They lovingly preened each other’s feathers for hours on end. Shortly…
Victory From Defeat
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 (NIV) On Wednesday, I shared my heart wrenching story of a failed reconstruction after Breast cancer. If you missed it, click here. After my emergency surgery to remove the implant and flush my body…