Realizing the periods of time when I didn’t want to see the truth in the mirror, I learned the truth on the inside is even more important to acknowledge.
God gave us the Holy Spirit to convict and intercede for us, so the internal truth can be learned, and changed.
Category: Faith
When Life Doesn’t Make Sense
When you’ve done all you know to do, and life still doesn’t make sense, there’s one thing left: Trust God.
Revelation Moment
When I’ve known better, but chose to make a mess, God still offers forgiveness when I finally realize my mistake.
Not Shaken
When stepping out in faith, we are going to be afraid. Yet, fear can’t shake us when we remember we are not forsaken.
Sweat Equity
While waiting on God’s promises, there are times, more often than not, we actually need to roll up our sleeves and do some work. Don’t worry, God will do more than his fair share too!
You Know Your Plans
As a parent, when I ached for my child and was angry at God, I learned I could trust him. With even what was most precious to me.
Isaiah’s Wisdom for Today
When faced with uncertainty and challenges, Isaiah offers words of wisdom to help weather the journey through the crisis.
Quelling Mama’s Fears
As a new mom, I was terribly afraid I wouldn’t be enough. But God gave me exactly what each child needed.
Look Up and Look Back
When facing a battle, He promises I am not alone. God fights for me, and you. He promises to equip and protect and fight. I only need to take my eyes off fear and look up to my Heavenly Father and back on my history with Him.
The Lord Himself, Will Fight For You
When the revelation hits that I was in the wrong, it’s never too late to let God change me instead of the circumstances.