When nailed on a cross, Jesus didn’t choose anger, curses or words to unleash the fury of angels; He chose freedom for you and for me.
Category: Faith
Heartbroken? Run Toward Jesus.
When I’m completely devasted by events, do I run away from faith, or can I trust running to Jesus?
Don’t Live in Fear
What shakes you and rattles your faith? I am learning that no matter what happens, God is holding me and is already there, solving the impossible.
Obedience Over Fear
Even when against all odds, I am learning not to fear; just to obey Him, because He has even this.
Finding Faith, Fighting Fear
“The Lord said to Joshua, ‘Do not be afraid of them, because by this time tomorrow I will hand all of them slain over to Israel.’” Joshua 11:6a (NIV) What he saw should have stopped his heart. His enemies united and charged toward him, with massive armies too numerous to count. Surrounded as he glanced every…
Does Anyone Hear Me?
When it feels like no one sees, or hears or knows, rest assured God sees, hears, and is acting. We do not need to be afraid.
When God’s Plans are Terrifying
When God calls us to something completely foreign, He understands our fear. He is faithful to His children and His promises. He can be trusted.
Waiting with Expectation
I recall being pregnant with our first child: the joy, the anticipation, the excitation. I was ecstatic! I couldn’t wait to meet that child! I would daydream of all the places we’d take her and all the things our little family would do together. I imagined how wonderful life would be- even though I knew…
Gentle as Jesus
Although an understandable response to anger and frustration might be a poisonous comeback, Jesus demonstrated how gentleness wields great power in eliciting the outcomes we hope for.
Expecting Him to Do It
David fled into the cave, hiding for his life. His pursuer, none other than the crazy King Saul himself wandered into the cavern. In a rare moment of vulnerability, the king let down his guard as he prepared to relieve his bodily functions. This is your chance, David’s associates urged. You can kill him now!…