When the feelings of joy disappeared, I learned how to choose a joyful heart.
Category: Faith
Believing Hearts Rejoice
When I couldn’t understand why God allowed what He had, I only needed to learn from the sweet psalmist- God can be trusted- even when, especially when, I can’t understand. And when I learned to truly surrender to Him, my broken heart could truly rejoice.
The Promise of Joy
When I identified my joy was stolen, I learned to trust God to help me get it back- even living in an imperfect world.
Looking Like Love
“What should love look like?” Jesus showed us the very definition of love. Here’s how we too, can learn to love like Jesus.
Jesus: God’s Gift
Sitting on my desk is one of my favorite Christmas presents of all time: a stuffed Olaf. It was given to me by my youngest daughter when she possessed all the zany enthusiasm of a seven-year-old. When I look at Olaf, I must smile. I love his character from the movie, Frozen. Olaf is always…
Mary’s Provision: God’s Promises Fulfilled
Mary fled for understanding, comfort and peace. She saw God for who He is: The God who sees, The God who will meet her needs. The God who won’t leave her alone.
Mary shows us what to do when we need someone, anyone to understand: trust in God. He will provide. Just as He provided for Mary.
The Gift of Presence
When the holiday pressure robs me of true joy and thanksgiving, it’s time to re-evaluate.
Finding Peace
When the weight of my efforts weighed on me, I learned to shift my focus from my work to God’s call. I found His peace.
Lost that Loving Feeling?
When Christians lose that loving-everyone-like-Jesus-would feeling, the first step is to sit at His feet.
Finding Forgiveness
“I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better than they ever dreamed of.” John 10:10 The Message The plate was passed as a reflective silence descended upon the sanctuary. My mind focused on the prayer just offered by our speaker. To offer my life as a sacrifice. A living sacrifice….