When was the last time you were tempted? How did you handle it? If you’re like me, well, it could have gone better. In Genesis 3 Eve was tempted. She handled it with her own reasoning, her own logic. She just didn’t know what she didn’t know! That snake (both literally and figuratively!) engaged her…
Category: Promises
Shiny Souvenirs or Distractions?
Jauntily, Minna swayed from side to side, carefully balancing the six- foot branch in her mouth. She quickened her pace, holding her head high as if she wanted the entire neighborhood to admire her large limb that only a big, strong Rottie could carry. Pride just oozed with each step closer to home, where we’d…
Matching Fruit with Faith
Solving the sugar problem: finding self-control by asking the Holy Spirit for help with His fruit through faith..
Joy and Delight Will Come
Life stuck in a holding pattern you would never choose? John and Elizabeth knew the feeling. They lived it for years. Yet, just as they experienced, we can recall the promise that joy and delight will come! Cling to these three promises to thrive during this time of waiting.
Awaiting a Savior
Over 2000 years ago people looked around them in dismay: fighting, fear, and frailty of body, mind and soul surrounded them. Hearts longed for someone, the promised Messiah, to save them. They knew what He would look like. They knew what to expect, and when. Yet, not one was prepared for what God would author:…
Choosing to See Treasure
Back in January, I had plans for this year. Places I scheduled to see, things I was thrilled to do, and people I was cherishing to do life with. But then a few things happened. Some small, but a few loomed large. And those happenings changed my plans. As weeks extended into months of altered…
God Understood Mary’s Need
“Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.” Luke 1:45, NIV Mary knew her life path had veered into unchartered territory. I knew Gabriel had visited me and I clearly recalled his pronouncement. It was just so hard to believe God was doing this, and doing…
A Most Divine Interruption
“The angel went to her and said, ‘Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you,’” Luke 1:28 NIV The young Mary startled at the angel’s appearance. She hadn’t received notice of Gabriel’s impending arrival. Her mother never instructed her on how to entertain angels. Mary simply had no idea what to do!…
How to Love Our Neighbors
Thumb hovering over the icon, I paused. I was fearful of opening this Pandora’s box of social media. With so many differences of opinion, the messages got messy, even mean. But God’s message is clear: love one another. But how? I Corinthians 13 details the how of loving one another well: Be patient. Be kind….
When Thanksgiving Isn’t a Feeling
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 NIV Soon, those of us in the United States will celebrate Thanksgiving. We remember what the Pilgrims did, thanking God for seeing them through their first year here in their settlement. They…