“But are you happy?” A question often heard, asked by well-meaning friends, colleagues and family who genuinely care. What is happiness? And what exactly does it mean to be happy? Dictionary.com defines happy as “delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing.” Happiness is a “quality or state of being happy; good fortune, pleasure,…
Category: Promises
Trying to Remain Thankful
“Lord, I know Your mercies are new every morning,” I thought while creeping down the stairs in my exercise attire, “Help my eyes to see those mercies today.” My heart knew those words are true. My mind fought to see evidence of such. Have you too, struggled to remain positive, even thankful during this time?…
Shut In, Not Forgotten
Genesis 8:1 “But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.” It was January in Michigan, cold, dark, and stormy. As a young foreigner, I felt the weather matched my disposition. I was…
Booster Shots for Faith
“A shot? Seriously?” asked my then twelve-year-old daughter, “I thought I was finished with those.” “This is a booster shot, ” I explained, “It will help ‘remind’ your immune system that the bacteria which can cause tetanus is already known as foreign to the body and therefore should be attacked. If the immune system does…
Trusting God in a Pandemic
Quarantine. Riots. Mandated social distancing. It’s been six months! Lord, make this end! Today, please! I can’t do this anymore! Not the first time in my life I prayed these sentences. Twelve years ago, I uttered the same prayer. I was a cancer patient. After four months of hard chemotherapy, I had four treatments left….
Thriving in a Crisis
Social-distancing. Virtual learning. Maskne. This is our new vocabulary courtesy of 2020! Our world from 2019 is turned upside-down. Socializing, school schedules, even facial care routines have all been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many in society are unsure about job stability, personal finances, and when our world will ever recover! We are not alone…
Lord Teach Me, So I Can Teach
“Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.” Proverbs 1:8-9 (NIV) Often, our children grudgingly learn the above verse in Sunday school. By mid-elementary, they almost personally connect to the meaning of this…
Intentional Humility
True story: Once upon a time, there was a pastor concerned with the potential to become prideful. To keep himself in check, he requested a certain task to be reserved for him alone: cleaning the men’s bathroom at the church. The years passed. He wrote books and spoke around the world; yet every week he…
Constant Communication
“Why?” My little girl in a pony tail innocently asked. She was three and had to know the reason for EVERYTHING. She also asked about a thousand other questions daily. How does this work? What makes the batter into cookies? Why do I need to drink milk? I treasured naptime during that era. When she…
Choosing Who to Obey
“Oh, no, there’s a deer!” I dropped my berries in the bucket, and looked down the path into the woods. Sure enough, there stood a gentle doe, her head lifted slightly from the grass she had been grazing, eyes staring intently upon me and my husband, John. Our 80 pound Rottweiler, Minna, had picked up…