“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1 Tired? I bet we can all answer that affirmatively. The mental stress of living in a pandemic wears a person out, body and soul. I need rest. I bet you do too. We all need…
Category: Promises
Choosing Alarms
How’re you doing? Really. Are you shocked, confused, bewildered? Trying to stay positive for those around you, knowing maybe, (like me) it’s an uphill battle to keep a sincere smile upon your face? Late one afternoon I sat in my room, just having closed my computer for the day. The ‘official’ workday ended; time to…
Trusting He’s Got the Whole World
5:00 am: the birdsong wakens me. The sweet chirping is so innocent. The birds have no concerns as they chorus to welcome another day. They are not worried about the world, about a virus plaguing the earth, instilling fear, stealing joy and claiming lives. The sky is still dark and my eyes cannot see the…
Communion With Him
“Mom!” A common call as my daughters filter through the door after school. Sometimes, that one word is carried in a tone of distress, said slowly, indicating it was not a great day. Other times, a daughter shouts it as she rushes in the door, cheeks red from the run home, excitement oozing out around…
God Gave Obedience
“But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge – to the great amazement of the governor.” Matthew 27:14 (NIV) The time had come. Awaiting His sentence, He stood silently before the Governor, Pilate. The memories of betrayal, of the rough guards “guiding” Him through the garden, still fresh in His mind. Jesus…
God Gave His Word
“You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” Matthew 22:29 (NIV) Five days until death would be conquered. Five days to teach, to love, and to encourage. In Mark 11:12-14, Jesus left Bethany. After starting on this journey, He felt hungry. Seeing a fig tree, He walked…
Unconditionally Beloved
Outside my door, a cacophony of voices arose from the first floor of the hotel atrium. Seven hundred women excitedly conversed, practiced speeches, pitched proposals, and met one another. Encouragement rang out amidst the conversations. This was a godly Writer’s conference. Upstairs, clad in heels and a suit, I sank onto my hotel bed. In…
With Thanksgiving
Black Friday! The holiday season is in full swing! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming. Does the thought of the approaching holidays increase your blood pressure? So much to plan, to do, trying to keep everyone content, all the while maintaining the reason for the season? Maybe you, like me, have to fight a feeling…
Distraction Desperation
“Fix your eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,” Hebrews 12:2a I organized a Moms Bible Study one summer. We met at a park every week, and the children played while we focused on Scripture. Or, we tried to focus on Scripture. The last day we met, we settled at our picnic…
The God Who Sees
Overwhelmed. Desperate. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. I know I’ve been there. I bet you have too. In Genesis 16, Hagar had felt it all. A slave to a woman who didn’t seem able to make up her mind. Forced into a relationship and pregnancy she didn’t request. No one asked Hagar…