I shook my head in disbelief. That proclamation stunned me. I was on a committee planning a winter holiday party for children. These kids had all just recently moved with their families so a parent could attend graduate school. This party was to be a fun celebration with crafts, food and games designed to elicit…
Category: Promises
Perseverance, Not Control
Wearily I dropped into bed. Not only physically exhausted, but emotional exhausted as well. Physical mountains to conquer and multitudes of concerns weighted my heart. Lord, where is that light at the end of the tunnel? Why can’t I find it? I bet you too know that feeling well. Maybe you too have carried a…
Time for Jesus = Abundant Life
Life. Is. Crazy. I don’t need to tell you – I’m sure you could tell me! So much to do, so little time. Ever have your mind refuse to turn off? Mentally scrolling through that to-do list, wondering how it will ever all get done? When will I find joy and peace in the everyday?…
Life. Can. Be Tough. You know it. I know it. We’ve all live in those moments. Some of those moments in my life include: a stage III cancer diagnosis, a job loss, and one of my children fighting for her life. My list goes on. I bet you can identify with and add on to…
Taming the Tongue
My eyes widened in surprise as my face flamed. Usually even-tempered, the hot heat in my cheeks was almost visible to me. I was furious. Oh, did I ever have a ready retort, waiting to roll off my tongue. I had never been so angry. Or hurt. I was justified, any jury would agree, God…
He Still Moves Mountains
I had my plans for the long weekend. My husband generously offered to take our children and the puppy to visit family out-of-state so I could work on a project. I didn’t expect the phone call Sunday morning that would forever change my life. “Stefanie, I need you here! Come to Pennsylvania ASAP! She’s being…
Trust In His Time
I sighed in absolute frustration. I can’t believe this is happening, I don’t know what to do! I knew I would have to give up on an opportunity, the opportunity. The one I had prayed over, my family had prayed over, and my dear friends had prayed over. The one we all thought was a…
Even This
I gazed out the window: mountains of snow, icicles weighting trees, and whirling snowflakes created an icy tundra. No one wanted to go out in it. No one except our Rottie, Minna. At three, Minna needs lots of daily exercise to keep her from going stir-crazy in the house. Minna sat by the door, begging…
As you evaluate your circumstances, your station, and your place in this world, do you ever become sad? Maybe you really know sadness first-hand, perhaps sharing the diagnosis of S.A.D. with the estimated 10 million Americans nationwide. S.A.D., or Seasonal Affect Disorder is often diagnosed as feelings of sadness or depression during cooler winter months…
“Nevertheless, she persisted” is printed on the planner I purchased last August. I had no idea what the autumn held when I bought it… but God did. In that short season, my faith would be tested as each of all three of our daughters was thrown into her own crisis. My plans for those months…