When tragedy strikes, it is sometimes hard to see God. We wonder where He was when the terrible times transpired. He knew. He cried with us. We are assured in the Psalms that He holds every tear we cry in His hand. He is not only catching and collecting our tears, He is catching and…
Category: Promises
Promised Acceptance
Sandra sank to the floor near her bed in exhausted desperation. The irony of the spot hit her full on. Years ago, as a child, she would kneel here before bed, conversing with God, just as Mama taught her. But Mama died. Sandra hadn’t spoken to God since. After years of silence, she cried out…
He’s Leading in the Wilderness
When was the last time you did everything right, but ended up lost? I recently traveled into a city I don’t know well. Major road construction detoured me from the prescribed route and my GPS couldn’t find me. I ended up in a residential neighborhood pulling up my maps app. I was more than a…
He’s Got This!
Does the thought of 2018 fill you with excitement? Dread? Fear? Staring at a blank calendar for next year, I began to fill in important dates. Birthdays, doctor appointments, end of school (!) I wonder what the next year holds. Our family has experienced some challenging years recently and I sincerely pray for a year…
Missing the Mark
Instant replay caused him to instantly recoil. Ah, the director’s right! In that scene, he’d missed his mark. The taped “X” seemed to suddenly glow as he felt his face flush. How could this have happened? He knew. Although he’d rehearsed it a dozen times, he’d taken his eyes off the mark. He’d assumed his…
No worries?
“Daddy, do we have enough money?” asked the sweet seven-year-old when she heard of her father’s job loss. “You don’t need to worry about that; Daddy will take care of everything,” he replied, rubbing her shoulder. Giving him a quick hug, she bounded off to play with her dolls. When was the last time your…
Expecting Great Things
Do you expect great things from yourself? Many of us don’t. We might assume the great callings go to the super talented, super intelligent, and super positive people. Surely I don’t have a great calling on my life. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that idea is just plain wrong. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ…
You Are His Masterpiece, Part I
The above picture was painted by one of my daughters. I am the delighted and proud mother of several talented artists. One daughter in particular must paint to relieve stress and quiet her soul after a season of busyness. Watching her take a blank canvas and deftly apply color to create a picture depicting beauty,…
I Can Do!
Once there were two Rottweiler puppies. The first, Tipper, was a fierce protector. When she was all of twelve weeks old, she firmly planted herself between her human mom and a large 250 pound man who had the audacity to step into the yard. Her tiny stance spoke volumes, “To get to her, you gotta…
Am I Ready For Such a Time As This?
The orphan girl who became queen. The stuff fairy tales are made of, isn’t it? Esther is notorious for her story. Her infamous conversation with her uncle describes a common plight we all face at one time or another: fear. While she could possibly save herself and her people from the King’s edict, she must…