I came in the door to my usual greeting: our 95-pound Rottie bounded over to lick my hand. Suddenly her tongue stopped and her nose started. She sniffed my hand, my clothes, and even my face as I stooped to pet her. She looked at me, almost in disbelief. Then she turned her back on…
Category: Promises
God is a Good Father
If you have ever been hurt by someone you thought you could trust, it can be hard to trust God. But I have learned, He is indeed a Good Father. And, He can be trusted!
The Promise of Peace
When both physical and spiritual peace eluded me, I found answers in His promises.
God is Peace
When I struggle with warring inside myself, 2 Corinthians 13:11 instructs how to find peace.
When Joy is Just a Memory
When the feelings of joy disappeared, I learned how to choose a joyful heart.
Joy in the Wait
When faced with the anguish of a life-threatening and life-altering medical crisis for my child, I found hope through Christ in a Children’s ICU.
The Promise of Joy
When I identified my joy was stolen, I learned to trust God to help me get it back- even living in an imperfect world.
Love: The Greatest Gift
Falling in love doesn’t care with our true forever love. No one will ever love us like God will.
Looking Like Love
“What should love look like?” Jesus showed us the very definition of love. Here’s how we too, can learn to love like Jesus.
Love Sincerely
When my heart response changed, I learned I needed to check in with God. I needed to draw closer to Him. I needed to let my heart break over what breaks His.