Sitting around the dinner table, one of my daughters dumped a cascade of emotions she’d bottled up far too long. Frustration, bewilderment and anger all poured forth. She ended with, “It will never get any better!” I swallowed hard, fighting tears of empathy and quieted my mama’s correction voice. “TORPAL,” her sisters chorused. Looking around…
Category: Wisdom
Jesus Has a Job for Us
Peter was passionate; he believed in Jesus. He would always follow Him. But Jesus knew, knew what was coming. In Luke 22:31 Jesus told him that a trial was coming. Jesus also assured him that he had prayed for him, that “his faith would not fail.” (verse 32, HCSB). Jesus also knew Peter would survive…
Choosing Alarms
How’re you doing? Really. Are you shocked, confused, bewildered? Trying to stay positive for those around you, knowing maybe, (like me) it’s an uphill battle to keep a sincere smile upon your face? Late one afternoon I sat in my room, just having closed my computer for the day. The ‘official’ workday ended; time to…
Communion With Him
“Mom!” A common call as my daughters filter through the door after school. Sometimes, that one word is carried in a tone of distress, said slowly, indicating it was not a great day. Other times, a daughter shouts it as she rushes in the door, cheeks red from the run home, excitement oozing out around…
God Gave Trust
Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.” Proverbs 16:20 NIV Jesus’ final day as a free man. His last chance to instruct His disciples on what they needed to know, to do, and how to make life work. Jesus knew His time with His disciples was…
God Gave Sight
“The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” John 12:23 NIV It was the heaviest of burdens. It was literally the world against Him. Just four days after praises from Palm Sunday still ringing in His ears, He now felt none of the accolades or the glory. Instead of a reception…
God Gave His Word
“You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” Matthew 22:29 (NIV) Five days until death would be conquered. Five days to teach, to love, and to encourage. In Mark 11:12-14, Jesus left Bethany. After starting on this journey, He felt hungry. Seeing a fig tree, He walked…
God Gave Courage
“Do not be afraid, O Daughter of Zion; see, your King is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.” John 12:15 NIV Six days until His reunion with His Father. It’s time to enter Jerusalem, a place where Jesus is a marked man. Religious rulers didn’t like how this man riled the people and called the…
Trusting Him With Tomorrow
The call came in: “Get to Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital- that’s where they’re life-flighting her.” Our healthy ten-year-old had just been diagnosed with Type I diabetes, and she was in diabetic ketoacidosis. This was a life-threatening emergency! While en route on the 200 mile trip, I tried to process this life-altering diagnosis. As a nurse, I…
Making A Habit of Thanksgiving
“Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift.” II Corinthians 9:15 “What is a Thanksgiving Box?” our youngest daughter asked our oldest. “It was a decorated shoe box we would fill with strips of paper outlining what we are thankful for. We’d fill it all year long and then open it on Thanksgiving Day.” Our…