The sweet sounds of Christmas carols filled the air. The grocery store’s music reminded me of the upcoming season. In year’s past, the reminder overwhelmed me. For the woman of the house, the to-do list is endless: Menu planning. Grocery shopping. Cooking. Cleaning. Baking. Pinning ideas. Crafting. Decorating. Floral arranging. Preparing the guest room. Buying…
Category: Wisdom
‘Just’ Pray
5:30 am. I arise and descend down the stairs to begin my morning exercise. If I don’t exercise at that hour, I may never get back to it during the day. Plus, I love beginning my day to the beat of Christian rock music. Propelling my feet into motion, prompting my heart to recall God’s…
Are You Ready?
“I don’t get it,” I said to our teenage daughter. I was staring at a disposable coffee cup sitting on the counter. It had lines marking amounts vertically ascending the cup. The confusion settled upon me as I read the verbiage with each line: No Not Yet Closer Almost There Ready “This cup must have…
He Knows… Jeremiah 29
Lead Like Jesus
Ever have to prove yourself? As a newlywed, I witnessed my husband, John, work his first engineering job. His job title was product engineer for a connector manufacturer. (Recall Intel inside? He worked with Intel to design components within computers.) That August he started he was twenty-two years young. Colleagues reporting to him and men…
Lust or Pride?
What can take down a strong man of faith? King David and his son Solomon are two of the most revered men of faith, and rightfully so. David, named a man after God’s own heart, was awe-inspiring in his faith throughout his life. Solomon, the wisest man ever, knew what to ask of God. There…
Trusting God to Bridge the Gap
When faced with a new task what is your general approach? Do you take anything and everything offered, or do you rely on what you already know? David’s answer to that question might surprise you. While a young man, David, as instructed by his father, left his sheep and went to visit Saul’s army, checking…
Be Light in the Dark
A small light flitted in front of my face, switching off a second after I noticed it. I smiled a moment later as I glimpsed another. Then another. Those tiny bright lights turned off and on with predictable regularity, if you knew where to look. As I watched the fireflies, (a favorite summer bug here…
With an agonizing cry, he stumbled into the room, sinking to the bed. No Lord, this can’t be. But after hours of tears streaming frustration and pain from deep inside him, he knew somehow, yes, yes it was. Sitting up in the now-darkened room, he resisted turning the dial of the nightstand lamp. The sun…
Beauty Begins in Winter
Here in the Midwest, winter seems to have lingered much longer than usual. In late April we still had a few snow days! As the days began to lengthen, our temperatures did not rise. Working in a public school, the students’ depression was palpable. Everyone needed to see spring. But now, after waiting months and…