“But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both well along in years.” Luke 1: 7
Most of us do not immediately think of Elizabeth and Zechariah as Christmas characters. Yet, they are vital in their supporting roles to our main characters.
Beyond this righteous couple becoming the parents of John the Baptist, who would prepare the way for Christ, Elizabeth plays the role of encourager to Mary.
Maybe Mary’s parents weren’t sure what to think. Maybe Joseph was treating her differently. Maybe Mary was sick from this pregnancy and sick of all the uncertainty. Maybe she tired of the wondering stares, the darting glances, the whispers behind hands.
Maybe Elizabeth was her favorite aunt. Maybe Mary assumed Elizabeth would understand her situation, as Elizabeth herself was pregnant with a miracle child. Not through immaculate conception, but a child for an older woman who was said to be barren. Just maybe, Aunt Elizabeth would understand. And just maybe, Mary needed a breather.
Whatever prompted her to visit her aunt, we know Scripture says she hurried. She must have felt compelled to propel herself toward Aunt Elizabeth.
Luke 1: 39-45, we read:
At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”
Elizabeth’s greeting must have been such a breath of fresh air! First, she was obviously glad to see her! And, this pregnancy was known, and celebrated! Elizabeth had no trouble believing Mary was carrying her Savior! Elizabeth knew first hand how God could work. And she knew God worked behind the scenes, beyond human comprehension.
How appropriate that God would send young Mary to this older, wiser woman. This wonderful relative who would completely understand and encourage this mother of Jesus.
God provided for Mary’s emotional needs. He provided for her spiritual needs. He provided her with encouragement, just when she needed it.
We never know why we endure crazy scenarios, but always be on the watch for how we might draw experience, strength, and wisdom from those situations so that we might encourage others!
Monday: Read Luke 1: 5-23 Imagine how Elizabeth and Zechariah felt. How would you have felt?
Tuesday: Read Luke 1:24-25 Imagine what life Elizabeth had led. She had followed the rules to the best of her ability, she was a “good” person, and yet, she was so shamed because of her inability to have a child. Now, after years, decades even, she realizes she will know this joy of parenting. Can you fathom her joy?
Wednesday: Read Luke 1:26-38. Here, Mary learns of her calling. She will be the mother of the Messiah. The angel delivering the news menti0ns Elizabeth, citing her as a modern-day example to Mary, that nothing is too difficult for the Lord. Ponder that a moment. Is this possibly just one of many valid reasons the Lord held off on blessing Elizabeth and Zechariah with children?
Thursday: Reread Luke 1:39-45. What do you suppose about Mary and Elizabeth’s relationship? What big picture on the scenery of each woman’s life do you see God painting?
He truly cares. Although God had a plan to author salvation for humanity, He was not just seeing numbers. He was seeing each individual He himself created. Each individual He loves beyond measure. These lives which had been so profoundly affected, were not easy lives to live out. He knew that. And He cared. He would bless Elizabeth and Zechariah with a child. He would care for Mary in her delicate state. He would provide for each lady’s needs.
How does that strike you?
Friday: Prayer: Lord, we come humbly before you. A heavenly Father who not only sees us, but also loves each of us immeasurably. May I not discard my difficulties so easily, but search for what You are trying to teach me. Please help me see past my very own hurt, to help and encourage others. Amen.