“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
I was sitting in the high school parking lot, waiting for my daughter. The final bell had just rung. Some students were strolling out the doors, catching up on texts, others were dashing about, probably hurrying to jobs or after school practices.
I watched the buses and cars vacate the parking lot, keeping a close eye out for my daughter. And then, I saw him. A young driver in a silver car, speeding over the macadam. Not even driving down the aisles, mind you, but darting through several spaces. I was shocked and angry. This happened to be the exit for students with disabilities. No one should be speeding anywhere, but especially here.
I breathed a prayer for safety for all those students and stewed in silence. And then, I remembered how Jesus had such great compassion for the clueless.
Hanging on the cross, what did he pray? “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
If anyone ever had a right to be angry, indignant, or just plain frustrated with people, it was Jesus. Yet, He was able to truly look at the situation from the other person’s point of view. He was able to see what anger often hides from us: people just do not know. Or, they do not think.
Jesus endured the great physical pain on the cross, and the great spiritual pain of being separated from His Father’s presence at that moment, yet He did not allow His own pain to consume Him. Instead, He was able to see past His own anger, His own pain, and accurately see where they were, on a spiritual and intellectual level. They simply had no clue.
As hard as it is, if we want to claim Christianity, we need to learn to be Christ-like. We must also learn to extend grace, and have compassion for the clueless.
Monday: Read Luke 23:26-43. Note Jesus’ response and attitude toward all those persecuting Him.
Tuesday: Read John 13: 34-35. How are we to love one another?
Wednesday: Are there any restrictions on who we are to love?
Thursday: Why does it matter if men know we are disciples?
Friday: Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Please help me to extend the grace You have extended to me. Please help me see past myself, my perceptions, and my viewpoint, and see with Your perfect eyesight. Please also open my eyes to where I have been clueless. Please correct me, educate me, and enable me to learn from my mistakes, both in judging others and in doing my own dumb actions. Please open my eyes and my heart Lord, if I have done anything to hurt anyone else, please show me, so that I may rectify that situation. Thank you for always loving me, never giving up on me, and promising me that Your grace is sufficient for me. Amen.
Thank you for reading! Please return by Monday, November 18, for the next post.
This compliments our sermon from today. How merciful Jesus was while He walked this earth. May we continue to grow in grace. Give us the desire to emulate Jesus!
And I was home with a sick daughter on Sunday! I will definitely listen on the website! Thank you, Dani! > Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 20:56:58 +0000 > To: Stefanie_L_Brown@hotmail.com >
I can certainly relate, my daughter got hit in that parking lot last year. The student that hit her did not even look when he quickly pulled out of a parking spot right into the side of her car. I often remind myself to give all the benefit of the doubt, you just never know what is going on in someones life on that given day, at that given moment. It helps me to cope with irrational behaviors and relate to days in my life when I must have been quite clueless to the world around me.
I can certainly relate to “the days I have been clueless to the world around me.” Chemo days aside, I have had so many days I am too caught up in my world. Thank goodness God can change that mindset!
Thanks for writing!
Thanks once again for your inspiration and hope just because I am a guy reading this that it is not a problem with anyone!! It really makes me stop and think and I appreciate it!
Thank you. Tom! I don’t have any issue with that! I appreciate your comments and please, feel free to comment any time! Have a blessed weekend! Stefanie > Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:59:36 +0000 > To: Stefanie_L_Brown@hotmail.com >