Are you a patient person? Can you pray and although you might not like it, you can resolve yourself to waiting? Walking with the Lord for decades now, I am definitely growing in the “Give it to God and wait patiently” category. I consider myself a patient person except when it comes to my kids.
Then I often find myself storming heaven’s door all hours of the day and night. Two of my daughters are now married and completely launched. The last little chickadee has just over one more year of high school left. It doesn’t matter that two are grown and married. One is a mother herself. I love my girls and yes, as much as I try to let them be adults, when it comes to praying for them, I act like a mother hen.
Isaiah 40:31 reminds me, “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”
In this context, I think of my running as in doing daily life. I trust God with my daily life. I trust Him with my to-do list. I also trust He hears my prayers and knows my heart for my girls. Even when fires rage (literally) close to where one calls home.
Even when a son-in-law is traveling for work.
Even when one is awaiting God’s direction for what’s next after graduation.
As each makes major life choices, I know God has her, right in the palm of His hand.
But I also know I am impatient waiting for those big answers. I want to know where she will live. I want to know what life looks like after that education is completed. There are just so many things that parents can pray over.
But that is what I can do: pray. And then, patiently wait to see what God will do. I trust Him with my girls. I trust Him with my these.
But sometimes I (admitting sheepishly!) need to work out my patience a bit more.
But I trust God gets that too. He created moms. He knows how we can be.
And He knows how, as I draw closer to Him, I will grow in patience. I will learn to slowly surrender my entire heart to Him, especially the large pieces walking around in that big ‘ol world.
I think about Psalm 37:4. Where I am instructed to, “Be still and know, I am God.” I love the translations that state, “Stop fighting, and know that I am God,”
Yes Lord, I need to stop fighting Your capable hands. I need to recall that You are God. And You are really fantastic in that role. I never would be.
I can trust You with these.
I just need to sometimes settle myself down and remember that.
How about you? Do you, too, struggle with patiently awaiting answers for those you love?
God will help us if only we ask. Will you join me in asking Him for just that?
Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You that You are God. Thank You that You hold all who are dear to me, right there in the palm of Your hand. Lord, You know I am often impatient. Grow me, guide me, and gift me patience as I draw closer to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.