Does the pursuit of happiness equate to material possessions? For any Veggie Tales fans, do you remember Madame Blueberry? She was the one who loved “Stuffmart”, and obtaining lots of things. She was quite wealthy. She dedicated ample time and money pursing happiness through stuff. The pivotal point in the story is when she says, “at last I know what I do want, I want a happy heart. What aisle are the happy hearts in?”
The employee answers rather slowly, “We don’t have those here.”
We all want happy hearts, don’t we? Even Scripture says, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)
Happy hearts contribute to good health as well.
Where do we find happy hearts?
Madame Blueberry demonstrated it’s not found in stuff. Depending on your life experiences, you may already know that.
Relationships, good, healthy relationships, can contribute greatly to our quality of life. But we can’t rely on others to make us or keep us happy, joyful or content.
We were created to worship. When we know our Creator and spend time with Him, whatever our circumstances, the sorrow dissipates. I don’t pen that lightly, I know people who have had heartache heaped upon heartache into their lives. Many of them are the most joyful people I know. They each attribute it to knowing God.
So, how do we cultivate a joyful heart?
Much like our physical health, it’s time to look at our diets. Not just the food we put into our bodies, but what are we feeding our minds? Philippians 4: 8 instructs on what to let our thoughts park: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” (NIV)
Have I made time with God? Am I focusing on what His instructions are for me today? Am I listening for His to-do list, seeking His input and just taking pleasure in knowing Him?
There will be people we need to interact with who are more negative. Am I asking God for help with that? Am I intentionally trying to not be that person for others?
These are a few ways we can pursue drawing closer to God in order to grow a joyful heart in Him.
This life is challenging. But He will help us when we ask. Will you join me in asking Him for just that?
Prayer: Dear Lord, I desperately want to find joy in You. Please help me establish habits that will draw me closer to and grow my heart in You. In doing so, I know I will find Your joy. Thank You, In Jesus’ name, Amen.