I am blessed to have always had a good, loving Father in my life. I know not everyone has shared this experienced. If that is your story, I am so very sorry. Father’s Day might feel like a stabbing wound leaving behind an aching which never goes away. The idea of God being a good Father might make you want to turn away. Words can’t convey how my heart hurts for you, I am so sorry.
But God did author fatherhood. As in everything He created, He authored it for good. It’s we humans who mess it up. God is a good, good, father.
He sees His children, you and me. God is the God who sees. (Genesis 16:13) Hagar learned this first-hand. When she was at her wit’s end, He touched her in an undeniable fashion, reaching down to save her from certain death. Dramatic, yes. But I bet you, like me, have had more than a few moments where you might have died, if not physically, then mentally or spiritually. I know He has rescued me multiple times.
Not only does He see us, His seeing us is by choice. He wants to keep us in His vision because He loves us. If you are a parent, I bet you can relate. That’s why we watch a child until they board the school bus or enter a building. Why we have apps that can detail our child’s location at any given moment. It’s not that we don’t trust our children. It’s so we can verify they are safe. And should they need rescuing, we know exactly where to start. God keeps His eye on us constantly because He cares.
He hears us. He hears our heart’s cry. (I John 5:15, Psalm 66:17-20, and Jeremiah 33:3) He listens to our prayers, our conversations with Him. He listens to our conversations with others, and within ourselves. He hears the cries of our hearts. He’s always there. And, He is listening intently to each word, spoken or not. (Isaiah 65:24, Psalm 18:6)
When someone you love wants to talk to you, you make time for him. You want to hear what is on her heart. God doesn’t need to consult a calendar; He is there immediately. For every one of us.
He acts decisively, justly, and in love with what’s best for you and me. He knows what you and I need. He divinely weaves events together for our good. (Romans 8:28) He commands His angels to protect us. (Psalm 91) Most parents wish we had this kind of power, this type of control. We usually do not. But God does. And He lovingly uses it, all for our benefit.
He can be trusted with every detail of each of our lives. He comforts us with the promise that we do not need to fear anything, because He has us. My heart is still learning to trust this promise, but He helps with that too. Isaiah 41: 10-13
He loves us. Wildly. Unabashedly. Indefinitely. Nothing we do will ever make Him turn away. Nothing. We know we can sadden Him by our choices, but He will never withhold His love from us. (See I Peter 5:7)
Regardless of your experience with human fathers, church members, romantic relationships, or even ‘best’ friends who may have failed you, know this: God will not abandon you, ever. (See Deuteronomy 31:8, Hebrews 13:5, Matthew 28:20)
God is a good Father. Truly. He loves His children. Because of that love, He keeps them in His sight, He constantly listens to them, and He acts in their best interest. All the time.
Maybe you, like me struggle from time to time accepting that love. Won’t you join me in prayer for His help with that?
Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You for You love. It is indescribable, incomprehensible, and it doesn’t make sense in human terms. But nonetheless, You freely give it. Please help me accept it. To treasure it. And then to share it with others. Thank You, that You are the God who sees, hears and acts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.