Have you ever been hurt by a show of unfaithfulness? It’s gut-wrenching to have a front-row seat, watching someone you care about walk away from God.
An initial response might be, “Lord, how could You let this happen?”
Remember, we each get to make our own choices, however misguided. But that fact doesn’t stop our hearts from bleeding, does it?
Romans 3:3 assures us that even though some demonstrate faithlessness, their actions don’t and won’t nullify God’s faithfulness.
He is God.
His character response is not a mirror to ours.
He is faithful.
2 Timothy 2:13 reminds us of this truth, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself.”
We need to work out the anguish of watching someone disown God or try other gods.
If you’re in that place right now, I am truly sorry. My heart breaks for you! And, I assure you, I share that pain.
So, how do we get through those days?
Pray: God knows about it. He knows our response to it, broken hearts and all. He still treasures the time we choose to communicate with Him about it. To pour out our hearts, and allow Him to hold our tears. To comfort as only He can.
Talk to someone: You need sound advice from a trusted friend, mentor or therapist. Sometimes we need to work through things with someone who has an audible voice!
Remain faithful to God: When we are disappointed, it’s easy to get discouraged or even angry. Don’t allow this hurt to drive a wedge in your relationship with God.
Study the Bible.
Praise Him.
Cling to the promise in Hebrews 10:23. “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promises is faithful.”
He will see us through, even this. We can tell Him our heartache, He will listen. We can cry in His presence, He will hold our tears. We can ask for His help to build a secure foundation for our own faith, He will provide it.
He is God. He is faithful.
Let’s ask Him to help us be faithful too.
Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You for remaining faithful. Always. And Forever. Help me build my faith, so that I am always faithful to You. In Jesus’s name, Amen.