“Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.” The childhood version of “I promise.” That words won’t fail.
But sometimes, humans do fail to follow through on our promises. And, if you’ve ever been hurt by a broken vow, you may start to doubt God’s promises.
When our experience has been a history of hurt by weightless words, it’s human to wonder if anyone can stand by his speech. Is there no one left who deserves our trust?
But God.
God’s character is one of faithfulness. We can trust Him. He has a history of always standing by His word. He can be trusted with even this, whatever this is.
It helps to have some documented proof: Let’s look to Hebrews chapter 11.
By faith…
God spoke creation into being.
Abel brought an offering to God.
Enoch was taken and did not die.
Noah saved his family by building an ark.
Abraham went where God called.
Sarah birthed a son in old age.
Verse 13 says all these people were still living by faith when they died.
Because they knew God as faithful to His word. They could trust what He spoke. They could hold onto His promises.
What about you? If you’re like me, it’s a struggle sometimes!
How do we know we can trust Him? What builds that type of faith?
First, we need to know what He promises. We need to read and know His word.
Next, we need to hold Him to it. We need to incorporate those promises into our prayers. And, when faith falters, ask Him to stand in the gap of disbelief. Just like the centurion in Mark 9:24, we only need to admit we need help.
Let’s ask Him for help to develop that type of faith.
Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Please help me to develop faithfulness to You. Help me to know Your promises. Help me prioritize reading and knowing Your word. Holding You to Your word, and ask You to help hold me up when I fall into disbelief. I want to be able to someday die and hear You say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” In Jesus’s name, Amen.