What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish. Matthew 18:12-14
I’ve been thinking about numbers a lot lately. For the second school year, I’m organizing a Mom’s Bible study. Last year we had twice as many Moms as this year. And I can’t tell you how many people ask me, how many moms I have coming.
I have felt inadequate because the numbers are down this year. Not that I had much control over that. The main draw of moms is from a group who are not members of our church, and most have only one year in our preschool, so every year we have a different group. But I still feel a bit shy about admitting we have a smaller group.
But with smaller numbers comes many blessings. We bonded almost immediately and have had many incredible discussions. They have each inspired me, challenged me, and I so look forward to each week with the greatest of anticipation.
Recently I was talking to a youth pastor who was facing the same challenge: many seniors from his youth group have graduated and his group is significantly smaller thanks to a much younger group, and fewer kids. No one quit. It was nothing in his control. Kids simply got older. I pointed out to him that he was probably having a greater impact as he had more time with each. And, this could be a future blessing. If he had time to train these youngsters now, he might just have a stellar group of leaders in the future. And that is what we need: young people who can become tomorrow’s church leaders.
As I prayed about this common theme I saw repeated in my life, I thought about Jesus and His declaration: He would leave 99 for just one lost sheep.
For us, we should focus on whoever God puts in our path. Whether it be 100 or just 1. Because God can use each of us to make a difference to just 1. And before you know it, we can each get a ripple effect going.
And, should we not be more concerned with the one God calls us to, instead of the hundreds He has planned for others?
Monday: How do you measure your success? Is it about numbers? Numbers of what? How else could you measure it?
Tuesday: Have you ever felt inadequate in your personal ministry, because you felt you were having little impact? Did you give up, or persevere, confident God was using you?
Wednesday: Have you ever been the “1”, the “1” person who needed God and felt alone, yet someone made time for you? Thank that person today.
Thursday: Is there an area you have been avoiding, not because you are unskilled, but because the small numbers keep you from feeling “called to” this ministry? Pray about that situation, and see where you are led.
Friday: Let’s thank Jesus for setting the precedent that one is more than enough! Thank you Lord, for demonstrating that one is sometimes all we are called to, and one is more than enough. Please help my heart be open to whatever You have for me, and for my mind to never underestimate what Your power can do. Thank you for Your love, Amen.