“Draw nearer to me and I will draw nearer to you.” James 4:8 NIV
Before we brought Tipper home, My husband requested a piece of cloth from her crate at the breeder.
Tipper would always snuggle down with that cloth; it became her habit. We would tuck her in at night, pressing that cloth to a prominent place near her paw. We wanted to make sure she had a pleasant reminder of ‘home.’
James 4:8 tells us what to do if we desire a close relationship with God. Draw near to Him.
How can I draw near to God?
Bible study, prayer and church attendance are the common answers. And, they are good practices.
But what about the little, unexpected reminders?
What about turning the car radio to a local Christian station? Maybe hanging a calendar with Scripture verses on the wall. Perhaps thoughtfully choosing what type of entertainment to view, listen, or read.
In our quest for the close relationship with God, everything counts.
In addition to the obvious practices of faith, each of our daily habits has the potential to influence our personal relationships with God.
Like Tipper, we need ‘pieces of material’ sprinkled in throughout various, frequent spots in our days to remind us who and whose we are.
And like for Tipper, those ‘pieces’ will bring comfort and reassurance to us and help us draw nearer in relationship to God.
What reminders of God do I already have sprinkled in my life?
What are some new ideas I might implement?
Prayer: Thank You Heavenly Father, that Your word never returns void. If I try to draw nearer to You, You promise to draw nearer to me. Thank You, Amen.
What reminders are working for you? Respond to this question via the comment section below. I love hearing from you!
Thanks for reading! Please return by Monday, November 23 for the next post.
How we, as a family draw closer to God:
Most days before school, I ask the children to try to do a kindness for someone that is need. It allows us all to look for the needs of others as opposed to only ourselves and gives an opportunity to share God’s love. At the end of the day,we ask one another, ‘What kindness did you do for someone today?’
Love your practices! I bet your children will always remember them, and will pass on the lessons behind them. Thank you for sharing!