She possessed all three. She also possessed a rare beauty, at least in the eyes of the man who adored her.
Without her, he knew he’d lead a lonely existence. He didn’t want to displease, disappoint, or discourage her. He’d do anything to keep her attention, her admiration, and her respect.
She knew her influence over him. She knew she possessed the power of persuasion. And she used it – but not for good.
Eve engaged with the Enemy. She fell for his flirtatious lies. She knew God’s rules, but deducted for herself it would be okay to break them.
And, she did. (Genesis 3)
Then, she enticed her husband to follow her down a desperate and dangerous path. It proved a path straight out of paradise, locking them away from God’s presence and provision.
If you’re female, you just might know how strong the power of female persuasion can be. Especially if the one you’re persuading is a man who loves you.
Girls, whether we realize it or not, we possess a great power over key people in our lives. The question is: what will we do with that power?
What is the objective in wielding that power?
Women of integrity don’t manipulate or annihilate.
Women of integrity don’t wheel, deal, and steal.
Women of integrity want only the best for all the rest.
Women of integrity want God’s will and are willing to be still.
When requesting something from a man, we need to check our motives. Is my request selfish – only benefiting me? Will fulfilling my request draw him closer to God? Or, like Eve’s, is the request detrimental to both?
Girls, we will each answer to God for our own personal actions, including when we led others astray.
Let’s check our attitudes, actions, and hearts against God’s word before we proceed.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for perfectly illustrating just how powerful women can be. While You designed and created us for good, help us to use Your creation for Your glory, and for drawing others closer to You. Help us disregard the temptation to act for selfish reasons only, and check our motives before engaging. Thank You for Your presence. Please help me to be still so I might clearly hear Your voice. In Jesus’ name, Amen.