Hitting that enter key, I sank back in my chair in utter relief. Closing my eyes, I acknowledged the cold, hard, truth: I was beyond exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. I had just completed a major milestone: my Master’s Degree. But grad school wasn’t the only reason for my weariness.
I’d had way too many things on my plate for way too long: family obligations, caregiving, financial decisions and a new career, necessitating the new degree.
In short, I was both weary to the bone, and impatient to the depths of my very soul. When would I ever feel like me again?
Maybe you too, can relate? Are you too, worn out? Are you impatient for answers to questions which have lingered f-o-r-e-v-e-r?
Are you weary of work? Weary of excuses?
Wondering, isn’t there any other way I can win at this game of life?
Do you ever ask, “Lord, is this really what You have for me?”
Amazingly, Jesus isn’t calling us to a rat race. He doesn’t want us to run ourselves ragged, ripping through life wearing a backpack of burdens, weighing us down.
Jesus invites us to come, sit at His feet. Take a load off, literally! Remove that backpack, unpacking the burdens before Him. And, as each obligation is removed, gently give it to Him. Lay it on Him. Surrender it into His capable hands.
You see, I am slowly learning: no matter what anyone else thinks, Jesus loves me as I am.
Not for accomplishments.
Not for promotions.
Not for productions.
Just. As. I. Am.
Not for what I anticipate tomorrow.
Not for what I managed yesterday.
Just. As. I. Am.
Amazingly, I don’t need to prove anything.
I don’t need to BE anything to earn His love.
I don’t need to DO anything to maintain His affection.
I can stop striving to steal His attention because… I already have it.
He loves me just because… I am His child.
He promises us, “Come, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NIV)
If you too are weary of this rat race, of trying to win when you can’t seem to see the bar; come, weary soul. Park your tired self at His feet.
There He promises you rest: soul-freeing, heart-building, mind- releasing rest.
You were not made to carry the burdens of this life alone. Experience the freedom Christ offers (John 10:10) and then consider sharing with a trusted confidant. He wants you to live the abundant life He came to give!
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for understanding humanity. Thank You for wanting me to rest in You. When I am weary, you want to strengthen me. When I am weak, You are strong. I don’t need to go at this life alone. Show me how to trust You. How to give You my burdens. Teach me how to enjoy the tasks You set before me, and what Your to-do list is for me today. Thank You for carrying my burdens, and for teaching me to surrender them to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.