When I told God it wasn’t fair, He came to my rescue: teaching me how to wait expectantly on Him.
Expecting Him to Do It
David fled into the cave, hiding for his life. His pursuer, none other than the crazy King Saul himself wandered into the cavern. In a rare moment of vulnerability, the king let down his guard as he prepared to relieve his bodily functions. This is your chance, David’s associates urged. You can kill him now!…
Equipped with Encouragement and Endurance
When waiting in exasperation for Truth to be seen, I learned that God gives encouragement and endurance if I only ask.
Patience Defined Love
Grandpa taught me many things through his actions. Patience is the one which stands out the most.
(Impatiently) Searching for Patience
When faced with fear, adrenaline pumping and the need to do something NOW, Moses’ instructions give wisdom for us today.
God Gifts Us Peace
Finding peace isn’t about the accolades, accomplishments or the busyness. It’s about drawing nearer to God through Jesus.
Pursuing Peace
Although justifiably hurt, I learned peace was within my grasp, regardless of what the other party did.
The Promise of Peace
When both physical and spiritual peace eluded me, I found answers in His promises.
God is Peace
When I struggle with warring inside myself, 2 Corinthians 13:11 instructs how to find peace.
When Joy is Just a Memory
When the feelings of joy disappeared, I learned how to choose a joyful heart.