“But Daddy, Why?” our innocent five-year-old daughter stared up into my husband’s face, her eyes conveying she could not comprehend his stance. “It’s not safe for you to drive a car by yourself right now, you need to wait until you’re older, ” he patiently explained. Her puzzled face conveyed that she didn’t agree with…
Everyday: A Day for Grace
I stumbled into the kitchen, weary from tending to a sick daughter most of the night before. Searching the cupboard I sleepily began the usual routine of making breakfast and packing lunches. Another daughter, (this one bright- eyed and bushy- tailed), appeared asking questions. Questions which made no sense at that hour, on that little…
Puzzling Over Pieces
“I will come back to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place.” Jeremiah 29:10b NIV “Mommy, I need help!” Standing in the doorway, I stared aghast into our preschooler’s bedroom. She had found her new puzzles from Grandma. The five thirty-piece puzzles that hadn’t come with a picture. And,…
Entertaining The Apple
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8, NIV) Setting: The Garden of Eden. Today’s target: Eve. Consequences: Potential fatality for all humanity. Satan slithered up and spoke with a simple,…
Grace Wins
“But He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6 (NIV, emphasis mine) I cannot believe this is a struggle, I thought as I quietly listened. I knew her story. I knew she had an immense Biblical background. She had many family…
Jesus Insured
Ever wonder how God’s greatest gifts can become a burden? How the enemy manages to manipulate our minds and hurt our hearts with worry and fret over God’s gifts? If you are a mom, one day you held your precious child in your arms for the first time. Children are such a blessing! There’s nothing…
Rock of Refuge
Where’s your happy place? The place where you can go when life gets to be too much? The place you go to get a break? The place where you feel safe? Maybe you are thinking of a special place: the beach, the mountains, or maybe like me, Grandma’s house. Growing up, I was blessed to…
A Joyful Noise
“An instrument fitting,” I asked our fifth-grade daughter. “What is that?” “It’s where I get to try out the instruments to determine which I would like to play in band,” she patiently explained to her uninitiated mom. “Plus, I already know a bit of piano although the teachers say we don’t have to have any…
I knew Jesus as a little girl. Relatives report that I, at age four, spoke of Him as a friend. Growing up brought trials. But I knew I could always count on God. I saw Him as a loving Father, always caring for me. Then, in my early thirties, came a shocking cancer diagnosis. I…
Pursue Peace
I shook my head in disbelief. That proclamation stunned me. I was on a committee planning a winter holiday party for children. These kids had all just recently moved with their families so a parent could attend graduate school. This party was to be a fun celebration with crafts, food and games designed to elicit…