When I’m in an impossible situation and can’t see the solution, I need to start recounting how God has always shown up before.
Joy in the Creating
God took joy in creating His world and His creatures. He gifts His children with creativity in different forms. We can glorify Him by celebrating His gifts.
“You Were Worth It” Jesus
Even though we can easily point to personal failures, Jesus chose to go to the cross for you, and for me.
The Joy of the Lord is My Strength
When all hope seems lost and I’m all out of everything, God reminds me that the joy of the Lord is my strength.
Prescription for Joy
What is joy and how can I get it? Maintain it? Jesus gave us the prescription for both.
Thinking About Next Year…
In considering New Year’s resolutions, what might happen if I made God a priority?
Jesus’ Peace
When faced with His own death, Jesus surrendered to His Father. He trusted God’s plan was best.
We too, can grow our faith to learn to surrender to Hims’
The Wisemen’s Peace
The wise men’s arrival was newsworthy to the community in this small village. Their dress, their speech, and their appearance drew the attention of the locals who stopped to pause and ponder. Who were these men? And why, were they here, of all places? What were they searching for? News of the foreigners’ presence traveled…
Joseph’s Peace
Joseph had reason for anger, embarrassment, and hatred. Instead, we see him experience God’s peace. His faith led him down a difficult road, but a journey he was sure God authored. We too, can learn to have a faith that no matter what, we will be at peace.
Mary’s Peace
Mary, the young mother of Jesus had reason to feel anxious and uncertain. But she exemplifies peace. We too, can find peace when we learn to willingly surrender to God’s story for our lives.