Tears filled my eyes as I read my eight-year-old’s handmade card.
My Mom’s Name: Stefany (She tried to sound it out!)
My Mom is happiest when I: spend time with her.
My Mom looks prettiest when she: dies her hair. (Yes, she spelled it that way!)
The best way to describe my mom: Awwsome
As I read the gift of words she joyfully delivered, my heart melted.
The author in me ignored the grammar.
The teacher in me ignored the spelling.
The mom in me laughed and cried over the depth of love my sweet daughter displayed.
It was simple, heartfelt, unabashed love for her mom.
I thought my heart might burst.
Our heavenly Father feels the same when we approach Him in like manner. He doesn’t expect us to come to Him presenting perfection with all the ‘right’ words or flowing phrases. He doesn’t expect pristine lives proffered to Him.
He simply gazes adoringly at His imperfect children who bare their hearts in love and praise.
His heart melts too at the sight of our obvious efforts to please and honor Him.
We weren’t perfect when He authored His plan for us to be reunited with Him.
We weren’t perfect when He implemented that plan and His son suffered on the cross for our salvation.
We aren’t perfect today when we come to Him with our fears, joys, sorrows and praise.
Yet, just like a teary-eyed Mom reading a third grade Mother’s Day letter, He could not love us any more.
“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ dies for us.” Romans 5:8 NIV
Thank you so much for writing this. Such a great example.