Wearily I dropped into bed. Not only physically exhausted, but emotional exhausted as well.
Physical mountains to conquer and multitudes of concerns weighted my heart. Lord, where is that light at the end of the tunnel? Why can’t I find it?
I bet you too know that feeling well. Maybe you too have carried a particular burden for someone or something for week, months, or even years. Maybe you too arise each day, force a smile upon your lips and sincerely remind yourself ‘God’s got it.’ And then you pray, ‘Today Lord, let today be the day.”
The day complete heart healing and restoration happens.
The day burdens are brought into the light and the weights lifted by Your loving arms.
The day that as I admire the sun streaming through the clouds, I also witness people understanding the Son for who He is and allowing Him to melt frozen hearts.
Hebrews 11 is known as “The Great Hall of Faith.” While not exhaustive, that chapter recounts the faithful history of many of our patriarchs and matriarchs of faith.
How they, when finding themselves in seemingly impossible circumstances, trusted God to intervene; and He did.
God never let them down.
Their histories give us hope. Hope to rise again tomorrow and do what He has called us to, even tasks we would never have chosen.
Hebrews 12:1 encourages us, “Therefore since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus.” (Hebrews 12:1-2a HCSB, emphasis mine)
Where we fix our eyes and focus our minds sets the stage for the day. We may feel we awaken to the same old, same old, yet we arise with a choice. If we focus on giving glory to God through our mindset, words and actions; He will lift us up.
But it starts with our thought-focus. Are we thinking about godly things, Scripture, and Jesus’ sacrifice? Or like me, does the surrounding mess sometimes overtake your thoughts?
Maybe, you can relate to the desire to give up and give in. Let someone else take this on. I’m done.
The next verse in Hebrews 12:3 offers abundant hope: “For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, so that you won’t grow weary and lose heart.” (HCSB, emphasis mine.)
Jesus knows. He knows our frustrations. He knows when we’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. He knows when we’re weary of doing what’s right, because we see no results from our sacrificial labor.
He knows.
He knows how we feel.
He felt it too. When he agonizingly suffered and ultimately surrendered his life.
When He was doing what God called Him to do, and many hurled hatred to his ears, broken nails in His body, and pierced insults through His pride.
Yet He chose to obey God. He persevered in His calling. He encourages us to keep on keeping on. He doesn’t want us to grow weary, lose heart, or give up.
How do we keep going?
- Ask: Am I doing what I’m called to do?
2. Am I doing my part and leaving God His part? (Or like me, do you try to claim responsibility for every detail?)
Perseverance does NOT equal Controlling Everything
3. When I’m weary and lonely do I refresh in Scripture, reminding myself God has me? He is holding me, encouraging me. I am NOT alone.
It’s easy to assess with human eyes; we can’t see hearts shifting. Yet, He can. We must trust Him.
4. Have I forgotten His promise? He will supply my needs. When we feel alone, feel as if we are the only one holding it all together; He is there. That friend who wanted to meet for coffee- perhaps God meeting a need for kinship?
We often feel alone because we have blocked out the world; allow Him to supply your needs. He wants to!
The next time we’re physically and emotionally spent, let’s remember Hebrews 11 and 12. Jesus is with us. He sees us. He will supply our needs. We don’t have to grow weary or lose hope if we turn to Him.
Prayer: Lord, You see me. You know. You promise to fulfill my needs, even those I don’t voice. Thank You for lifting me when I’m weary. Thank You for encouraging me when I want to give up. Thank You for giving me the strength to persevere. In Jesus’ name, Amen.