“Nevertheless, she persisted” is printed on the planner I purchased last August.
I had no idea what the autumn held when I bought it… but God did.
In that short season, my faith would be tested as each of all three of our daughters was thrown into her own crisis.
My plans for those months would be abandoned as I fought to assist, love and pray for each through that time.
At the end of the day, I would read the day’s to-do list, calculating which items not crossed off truly needed accomplished. Sighing yet again, I would close the planner on the day, and my eyes would land on that script: “Nevertheless, she persisted.”
I’d often smile, sometimes ruefully with wide, rolling eyes, sometimes sarcastically with a weary heart and sometimes… in awe of what God did to keep us all afloat throughout that day, that week, that season.
He didn’t do as I’d prayed. He didn’t stop the crises.
But He did carry us through them.
Every. Single. One.
He is the God who sees.
He is the God who cares.
He is the God who never leaves, nor forsakes, who always redeems and always has the best in mind for you and for me.
Maybe like me, you wonder what might be in store for 2019.
Maybe, you’re excited, filled with hope and anticipation.
Or maybe, you’re just praying this year is easier, is better, is joyous.
Know, whatever may come:
He saw it coming.
He loves you immensely.
He will carry you through it.
He will always be there.
He will work it all out for your good.
He is good. He is faithful. He can be trusted.
His mercies are indeed, new every morning, and truly, great is His faithfulness! (Lamentations 3:22-23)
All He asks of you and me is that we persist, persevere, keep going. Through our trials, with our faith and trust in Him.
As hard as it may be, as hard as things may get, never, ever, give up. Not on the Lord, not on His plans, not on His goodness.
May you end 2019 on this celebratory note: Nevertheless, with God, I persisted.