God, I don’t know what to do! I’d had to quickly determine a course of action for a loved one. Seated in my car drving home, I considered the events, how I’d tell family members and what the future might hold. Tears and hopelessness flowed freely. But You will guide me, Lord.
I turned on the radio, praise songs filling my ears with the truth my heart so desperately needed to hear in that moment: God is in control. He is to be praised. No matter my situation,
state of mind or
state of heart.
God is still on His throne. He still loves me. Cares for me. And is holding me in the palm of His hand.
The tears continued as I shifted the car through the gears. Still overwhelmed, I inhaled deeply. The lyrics continued to wash over me: Scriptural promises bathing my soul.
His inspired word giving me both the breath I needed and the space to breathe.
There’s a promise I sometimes skip: Praising God protects me.
Praising Him doesn’t mean nothing sad, bad or troublesome ever happens. In fact praising Him in the midst of those times protects my mind and heart from harboring fear and negativity. That stops satan from finding a foothold. (See Ephesians 4:27)
Praising protects us spiritually. Praising helps us focus our minds on truth and the “Think Positively” List in Philippians 4:8. By praising God and thinking positively we are obeying God’s commands. Obedience offers protection and elicits rewards.
Praising Him offers physical health rewards as well. Ever notice that when our thoughts spiral downward how energy levels quickly follow? When I feel down I turn on Christian worship music. So many of the lyrics quote Scripture, reminding me this, this situation that at this moment just breaks my heart, is not all there is.
Yes, it’s hard and painful and not what I’d author if given the pen.
And admitting I’m hurting is necessary. But I can’t wallow there.
I can’t give the enemy a foothold. I need to recall that even in this God is on His throne. He’s in control.
He sees.
He knows.
He cares.
And He’s already working.
And for that, I can praise Him. Before it’s solved, changed, or healed.
I bet you’ve been there too. Maybe you’re there now. Desperately hurting, awaiting a miracle to lift the weight off you.
Praise God for who He is. For what He’s doing that you can’t see. And praise Him that He’s in control.
Your situation may not change overnight. Mine took over five years to mostly resolve. But I promise you, God is faithful. He rewards obedience. He also sees, knows and cares. He’ll carry His children through those impossibly difficult moments. And when the praise can’t seem to push through your lips, allow His promise in Romans 8:26 to work. Let the Holy Spirit Himself intercede with groans for you.
Then turn on praise music, or a YouTube sermon, praising God- whatever it takes to wash your soul in His truth.
As hard as it is, you will get through the heartbreak. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will supply all you need to get through even this.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, You see. You know what Your children are enduring right now. Help us tell You, then find a way to praise You- fixing our eyes on You. Help us by protecting us, preventing the enemy from finding a foothold. Hold our hearts as we journey through heartbreaking times. Thank You that You never leave us alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.