Our dog Minna, is a funny yet super intelligent Rottweiler. She also has a strong sense of justice. When we take her to the dog park, she is the first one to break up a dog dispute. When two dogs get aggressive towards each other, she literally puts herself in the middle. She doesn’t snarl, or bark, but puts her own body in between the two quarrelers. At one hundred pounds, she appears quite confident that no one will challenge her. And so far, no one has.
Minna prefers peace.
Proverbs 12:20b says “Those who promote peace have joy.” Thank goodness, promoting peace doesn’t always have to entail physically putting ourselves in harm’s way.
How about verbal peace? What about when the conversation turns to gossip? How can we promote peace? I have found exiting the conversation to help my peace. I can usually leave a group and mingle with another, or be on my way.
But what to do when it’s in a scenario where you’re all seated at a table for a common purpose, like Bible study?
I witnessed a beautiful way to handle this years ago. I was in a meeting with several women seated around a table. Someone was frustrated and began sharing gossip. Another group member simply stated, “I am very uncomfortable with this conversation” and requested we move on. She didn’t lecture or condemn. She owned how she felt, knowing no one would try to dispute her feelings.
The conversation deviated, then someone returned to the gossip again, and again that same member repeated her previous statement. She had even interrupted politely before the whole statement could be said! It was a fantastic example of how to handle that scenario.
As Christians, it is often on our hearts to be the peacemakers. We also don’t want to come off as the Bible police or “holier than thou”. By gently asserting what is right, we can halt the flow of negative conversation without calling anyone out or appear to be exalting ourselves.
Sometimes we might find ourselves needing to pull a Minna, at least vocally, to stop gossip or a dispute.You, like I, may find it’s hard to know how to handle things, especially when they occur in a place you least expect to find them. But even though we might be surprised, God is not. When we feel meek, he can give us the strength to do what’s right. He promises that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” in Philippians 4:13 (NIV) He will give us that courage. After we implement it with a gentle spirit and a soft tone, we can later evaluate how it went. Many times it was probably well-received. But sometimes, it may not be. However, when we search our hearts and ask God, we are yielding to Him. Obedience to Him will bring us joy. Our joy doesn’t rest on human responses, but on our relationship with God. We will have peace when we’ve obeyed Him. And living in peace is always preferable to conflict for sure.
It’s scary to inject ourselves into conversation. We need His courage to propel us into action. Let’s ask Him for help with just that.
Prayer: Dear Lord, Please give me the courage to speak up in an appropriate way when it’s necessary. And Lord, when I’m in the wrong, help me be convicted, whether in my heart, or by someone else’s action or reaction. Please help me be a peacemaker and peace promoter. Thank You for the promise that You will give me the strength I need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.