Staring at the calendar, her heart sank. Every line was filled. She began reading. Dentist appointment. Music lesson. Work deadline. Company coming. Clean house.
No time for Bible Study today.
So many things to do, but only one is important: listen to Him.
She was many things: wife, mother, employee, hostess, and housekeeper to name a few. So many roles, but only is important: Child of the King.
Homework to check, cake to decorate, report to read, fresh flowers to find. So many things to see, yet only one is important: Jesus.
How often does my quiet time, my Bible Study linger on the to-do list, unchecked? The urgent overrides the important. But I still scribble it on there. Why? Not to induce guilt when it is still staring at me at the end of the day. But to remind me of where I can find peace in harried moments. Remind me of where I can turn to “take me away” from the stress of the day.
As I anxiously review my planner at breakfast, it reminds me how to center myself. Any task I am doing is for the glory of God. But I don’t have to be, or do, or see anything. I only need to be what I already am, at no accomplishment of my own: Child of the King.
And to know where to begin my day, I must fix my eyes on Him. Mary realized the work that needed to be done. She realized the honor and importance bestowed on her home to have Jesus as a guest. She also realized how easily one could get caught up in the inconsequential details and miss the magnificent moment. While there was work to be done, she had a great opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus. To be filled with peace and wisdom. And she wisely took it.
Whether you are male or female, student or parent, or a thousand different roles, pulling you a thousand different directions. Only one thing is important. Take a few moments to sit at the feet of Jesus.
At the end of the day, when I am lying in bed, how to I define what is important?
How do I allow myself to become overwhelmed by the urgent that I often forgo the important?
Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven, how easily I succumb to the demands of the day. I squash the dreams of my heart and the yearnings of my soul, until I am overwrought and undernourished. May I recall the wisdom Mary exercised at she sat at Your feet, still and quiet, filling her soul. May I also make the time to follow her example, on a very regular basis. Thank you for giving me the only title I will ever need: Child of the King! Amen.