“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2
While at graduate school, my husband, John, studied and worked all the time. On Saturdays, he would work from home at least part of the day, just so his family would see him.
One Saturday, Elyse, then barely one year old, toddled into the dining room to visit Daddy at his desk.
Engrossed in his studies, John gave her a moment’s attention then returned to his work. She kept holding out her toy cell phone to him. He would decline her offer then return to his work. This episode replayed a few times until John decided he’s get more done if he’d accept her offer.
Immediately after giving Daddy her toy, she began tugging on his cell phone which was clipped to his belt.
The light was beginning to dawn on John: she wanted to trade! He decided to relinquish his phone to her for a few moments.
How often does God want to give us something we can’t see the value in? Do you accept it? Or, do you refuse it in search of something seemingly better?
How often do we want something we perceive as valuable to realize later the draw has diminished? It was not what we first thought.
As difficult as it is, we need to accept what God’s authoring for us, assured He will use everything to work for our own good. Even when we allow ourselves to become sidetracked, He is always there, with open arms to receive us back again.
1) What am I willing to trade or give up for a new object of my affection?
2) Am I sure of it’s value?
3) Can I accurately calculate the cost?
Thanks for reading! Please return Monday, July 1, for the next post.