““For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
“Lord, why did I ever think I should attempt this?” Sara desperately prayed as she stared at the computer screen before her.
Why on earth did I ever think that just because I imagined it, I could actually do it?
Why did I think that God had ordered this path for me?
Why did I assume I would be successful?
Her negative thoughts cascaded through her mind, pounding down her too little faith and flooding over any remains of calling she once possessed.
Her hands trembled as her fingers fought for control of the keys. How desperately she wished those same fingers could control the messages appearing before her, not just going out.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord.
Really? That was the verse that popped into her thoughts? At a time like this, when it appeared the whole world was falling apart?
“Plans to prosper you,”
Prosper? This was the furthest thing from it. Prosper in a job loss?
“Plans to give you a future with hope,”
Lord, I have no idea what the future holds, and I’m really scared.
That’s why you hold on to Me.
Her brain stopped barking back retorts.
What if this failure was really the beginning of the new success He holds for me?
What if this loss was really the start of a greater gain?
Don’t let doubting thoughts dominate your outlook, she told herself. God does have plans for me. He does want me to prosper, He does want me to meet the future with success. His success. The success He has authored for me.
Maybe today, this day I see fraught with failure, is the day He unveils the start to my success.
She accepted His timing, and that He did indeed have a plan as she glimpsed her manager. She accepted the proffered box, packed her belongings, and didn’t cry a single tear as security led her to her car.
Driving from that lot for the last time, she knew God had something else, something better, for her.
Can you relate to the story above? Maybe it wasn’t a job loss, but the loss of something very near and dear to what you pictured would prosper your success.
How did you react at the time?
With your 20/20 hindsight, how would you react today?
When impossibilities shower upon us, it’s hard to always claim Jeremiah 29:11. Especially, if that shower is a storm of self-doubt. Especially if we never saw it coming.
Prayer: Dear Lord, Your promises aren’t intended just for good times, times of excited anticipation. They are to be claimed in the bad times too, even when, especially when, the enemy we’re fighting is the frame of my mind, not believing the “big” things You authored could be accomplished by the likes of me. Thank You that You author the best of everything, with only my best interest at heart. Thank You for not listening to my feeble reasoning, and encouraging me on, supplying precisely what I need to accomplish Your plan for the future. Remind me of who You are, and who I am, your servant. Thank You for always loving me, and never, ever, giving up on me, even when it feels like others or even I myself might surrender to doubt. Help me to always lean on Your everlasting arms, Amen.
Thanks for reading! Please return by Monday, October 20, for the next post!