Do you ever have a thought pop into your head, and you think, “Wow, where did that come from?”
Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes I wonder what in the world made me think something so crazy- like, does God even see this right now? Or, God are you real? Because there’s a hurting world down here.
When those thoughts pop into my head, I don’t let them linger. I know better.
Yes, God sees.
Yes, He is real.
Yes, He is in control. I can’t explain current events, but I don’t have to. I’m not God, He is. And trust me, the world is a MUCH better place because of it!
But doubt creeps in at times, doesn’t it? Normally at the most inopportune times. Often when we’re tired, or hungry, or suffering from a dose of pride.
Jesus knew this too well when He was taken to the desert to be tempted by satan. Matthew 4:1-11 tells the story. Suffice it to say, our enemy knows when we are weak.
And he knows when we are most likely to surrender. Not necessarily wholly surrender our souls, but some pieces. And he waits until we are weak to attack using methods like those pesky thoughts that come out of nowhere.
What can we do? “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
We eradicate the enemy’s arsenal. We refuse to let any accusatory thought take up residence in our heads. When it pops up, banish it.
What did Jesus do when the enemy taunted Him? Jesus answered with Truth, Scripture.
We too can banish the enemy’s assault by fighting with the sword of Truth. We can claim God’s Word, the truth.
We may need to claim it more than once, but when we say it, believe it, and ask God to help us have the faith required, yes, the lies must leave.
I know, in black and white, it seems so easy.
I know when you’re tired, when you’re emotionally spent, when you just want to rest for three days straight but know you absolutely can’t, it feels like the hardest challenge ever.
But God has a promise: He promises to supply all our needs (Philippians 4:19).
I could give you thousands of examples when He’s done that in my life. From the seemingly simple needs to nothing short of miracles.
He’s shown up when I needed to banish thoughts, again and again and again.
He’ll do the same for you.
When we’re in the throes of those types of challenges, it’s easy to forget to ask. Let’s ask Him together for just that.
Prayer: Dear Lord, You know the challenges I will face today, tomorrow, next week. Please Lord, help me not just react, but be prepared to preempt the enemy’s assault. When those thoughts that aren’t of You, come, help me recall Your Word, remind me to ask You for help to banish them. God, please remind me to ask You to meet my needs. Thank You God, in Jesus’ name, Amen.