“So then dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. His letters contain some things which are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, to their own destruction.” 2 Peter 3:14-16
Recently I have been pondering a prevalent problem: two Christians, both apparently sincere in the faith, and yet a disagreement over doctrine. How does that happen? When I could finally weigh out my emotions, and honestly fall on my knees and tell God I did not understand, I then began to comprehend a few things.
If we turn to Galatians 2: 11-14, we read of Peter practicing cultural values with whomever he visited. As he visited different groups, he did different things. By practicing these varied customs, he was leading others in hypocrisy, and diluting the very truth he wished to proclaim! Paul called him on it.
When I really pondered this a few facts jumped out at me: 1) Peter was one of the disciples. He walked with Jesus, he talked with Jesus, he knew Jesus like few did. 2)Paul had met Jesus once, and then jumped into his ministry. Not that Paul did not communicate with Jesus, Paul obviously prayed very often, but I think we would all agree Peter definitely had more ‘face time” with Jesus.
If you have walked with Christ for a long time, years, maybe decades, maybe longer, is it easy to think you know everything, or that you are always right in your convictions?
Younger people tend to be passionate and outspoken, and God appreciates enthusiasm! But, have you ever changed your mind on how you view the doctrine? I am not talking about the Ten Commandments, or the definition of a sin. I am thinking about hot topics at church like music, worship style, prayer.
I fully appreciate when someone can be honest and say “years ago I thought this way, now I realize I was not necessarily right.” And I have heard those words often on various subjects.
The thing which has saddened me so is that Satan loves it when we disagree. (If we can not agree within the church how in the world do we expect to reach the world?) And Satan will use anything he thinks he possibly can.
Maybe you know a situation where two believers are at odds. Do not immediately jump in and form an opinion. In fact, if possible, stay out of the conflict. Pray. Pray for each individual. Pray that their hearts, no matter how long each has served Christ, will remain tender to Christ’s teachings, and the stir of the Spirit. Pray that God will bring each closer to Him, and will indeed use the conflict for His glory. And, pray for a harmonious resolution. Brothers and sisters need to be restored to one another.
As believers, we are all the Body of Christ. We each are given gifts chosen by God. We must use them for God’s glory! We must also appreciate what He gave us, and not envy someone else’s gift. Maybe God is honing my gift right now, teaching me how to use it, and no one sees it at the moment. That is OK! My gift is for God’s glory, not mine. When I see others serving the Body with their gifts, I need to encourage them and let them know how they encourage me by modeling what we are called to do.
Do not allow pride to capture you. Especially in American culture, we like to think we need to loudly proclaim our gifts. Allow God to proclaim what He wants, and us to be the servants, obediently following our master.
When there is a conflict between two believers, and you are one of them, turn to your Bible for answers. Ask God to melt any pride and keep you eyes fixed on Jesus. He will show you the way!
1) In the past, how have I dealt with disagreements between believers?
2) How would I define my game plan on such topic today?
3) Have I said or done anything to discourage other believers within the Body? (If so, make it right!)
4) What are my gifts, and how can I use them for God’s glory?
5) Do I need to work at keeping pride at bay? (If yes, devise a plan, and share it with a close friend to help keep you accountable!)
Please know I pray for you who read this blog, and I will especially pray that God will gently and lovingly open your eyes to any areas needing attention. Please do not turn a blind eye to them! And lastly, please pray for myself and other readers, that each of us will work to know God and know His word, and be united to serve Him!
Thanks for reading! The next post will be available by August 13.