A Friendly Reminder: Today we start our week-long challenge to “Do Something.”
Do something each day to encourage someone in your path. A kind compliment, a thank-you, a meal to someone who’s overwhelmed, the list of ideas goes on and on.
Please share some of your ideas to spark others’ ideas. Let us all be an inspiration to each other!
Spent time today with a very special Sister who is a single mom. We shared iced tea, conversation into the Sunny hours of the afternoon, and overall encouragement on general common matters that we share. So nice to just be REAL and who we are in Christ with someone you trust. Time spent just speaks for itself. Amen! Slow down and take that time girls. We all need it no matter what age or stage of life we are in. :o)
Thank you for being Christ to someone that day! It’s far easier than we often make it out to be…